Preferences - Pregnancy

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You find out you're pregnant

Sherlock: you were making coffee, and getting out some cookies from the shelf when a strange pain erupted from your lower abdomen. Your stomach started to make gurgly sounds and acid slowly made its way up your throat. You rushed to the bathroom and just made it to the toilet, puking everything up. Your choked sobs attracted Sherlock who came in and tied your hair back and wiped your face. He wrapped his arms around you and pushed on an area near your lower stomach.

"Does this hurt honey?" He whispered. You nodded and wiped your eyes, then put your arms and hands on his and leaned your head on his collar bone.

"I think we might be parents." Sherlock commented smiling. You huffed and smiled back, turning around and hugging him. After you were better, Sherlock went out and got a pregnancy test. You took it and waited for two of the longest minutes of your life. When you flipped it over, the two pink lines made you squeal and kiss Sherlock passionately, knowing you'd be a mother.

John: you and John had decided to try for kids, so you were prepared. Everything was calm, you didn't have morning sickness or cravings so you didn't think you were pregnant yet. After you missed your period, you took a test and it read positive. You were so happy, you called everyone accept John because you wanted to wait until he got home from the doctors office. Once he did, you acted like it was any normal day until after dinner. You sat him down and couldn't stop smiling. He asked what was wrong but you just kept smiling until you said;

"I'm pregnant John."

He froze for a minute then grinned like an idiot, hugging you it seemed until it was morning.

Mycroft: you never expected to have children, but when you started to experience weird things (no not spoopernatural) you told your friend and she urged you to take a pregnancy test. When you did it came out positive. You didn't know how to tell Mycroft, so when eating dinner about a week later you blurted it out when Mycroft asked why you were staring at nothing. You put your head in your hands and started silently crying, not knowing how Mycroft would react. He got up and came around to you, rubbing your back.

"It's ok darling, I'm happy. I'm going to be a father." He smiled and kissed your trembling lips.

Lestrade: You had found out you were pregnant two days before Greg's birthday, so you got a big t-shirt and printed 'BABY DADDY' on it then wrapped it up with your other gifts. Since he had to work, you brought the presents into his office while friends of yours and Greg's got a cake ready. He thanked you and opened the presents. When he got to the shirt he opened it up and read it over. He squinted his eyes and mouthed it again, then his eyes widened and you giggled.

"You're pregnant?!" He questioned. You nodded.

"I'm a daddy! I'm going to be a daddy!" He yelled running out and screaming through the halls.

Hope you enjoyed, pls vote and comment :)


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