Sherlock - Drunken Confessions (part 1)

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It was a fairly quiet evening in 221 B, john and sherlock had gone out for an experiment; alcohol blood sugar levels or something? Anyway, you got home from work and took a nice, hot shower, then ordered takeout and crashed on the couch to watch a couple episodes of Doctor Who.

The next time you looked at the time it was 12:03 am.

'John and sherlock should be back by now.' You thought, and as if on que the door downstairs was slam shut and heavy footsteps and hiccuping was approaching you.

As suspected, they were extremely hammered. John and sherlock were leaning on eachother and practically lopsided. They greeted you by giggling like school girls and wiggling their fingers. You couldn't help but chuckle at how drunk they were.

They made their way to their chairs and stuck sticky notes to their forheads. Sherlock was sherlock, and john was madonna. You watched in awe as they slurred and asked the stupidest questions.

"Am i pretty?" John asked while almost falling out of the chair. He grabbed sherlock's knee and murmured 'i dont mind'.

Then a sudden idea popped in your head. 'Johnlock' Ugh you were grinning so hard your face hurt.

You took a picture of them and edited it before captioning it and adding hashtags. God! You were a genius. You posted it on instagram and twitter and all of a sudden people were bombarding you with replies and likes.

When you looked up from your phone, both boys were dozing of and you didn't want them snoring while you were watching Doctor Who so you took action.

You helped john up the stairs and out of his shirt, then into bed and tucked him in. Next you stedied sherlock and he swinged a arm around your shoulder, by accidently grabbing your boob. You blushed heavily and moved his hand, he slurred a 'sorry' and giggled a bit.

You helped him into his room as quick as possible and started to unbutton his shirt so that he was more comfortable. He moaned in what you thought was pleasure and you blushed more and hurried to finish.

On the last buttons sherlock quickly grabbed your hands and slammed you against the wall. You gasped at the sudden contact and he took the advantage to slam his mouth into yours and shove his tongue into your wet cavern. He fought for dominance and of course won, you tried to push him off but he had a strong pin with your hands over your head.

Something in his eyes were different,You felt kinda violated but was turned on at the same time. You eventually broke apart because all humans need air. He losened his grip and you took your advantage and slipped your hands out.

"(Yn) you are so hot- i lov-" you slapped him straight across the face and he stumbled backwards. He gained balance and looked up to you to tears running down your face. He stood up but ran to the bathroom only for you to hear gagging and heaving.

You wipe your tears and sigh. He was just drunk, ylu knew that buy you really did like sherlock, possibly even love. And how he did that, play with your emotions like that, more tears just run down your face.

You with your caring heart couldn't help but check up on sherlock in his pathetic shape. You walk into the bathroom to see a still throwing up sherlock. You immediately felt sympathy and started to get into caring-mode.

You got cold cloths and directed sherlock to his bed. You cleaned him up and gave him some water and began to leave.

"Th-Thank you." He sputtered.

"Yeah, sure." You reply with a little disgust.

You cleaned up and went to bed, thinking about the violent kiss from sherlock. Was it good, was it bad? Did he acually have feelings? Was it just because of the alcohol? So many questions swirled around your mind, you couldn't think properly, you couldn't sleep knowing you'd been toyed with.

What would happen in the morning?

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