Sherlock - The Y/L/N Case

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For @27awesomestreet

The little girl slowly made her way up the stairs, she had to hold the railing to pull herself up each step, only being 5 years old. "There you go darling, up the stairs like that." Her grandmother kept her arms hovering around the little girl in case she stumbled. Once successfully upstairs, the little fist softly knocked on the door, just loud enough for the faithful blogger John Watson to hear. He walked to the door and expected to see someone at his height or higher, but instead had to look down to see the two who waited outside the 221B apartment.

"Uh, hello there." John chuckled half heartedly looking at the little five year old and her frail grandmother beside her. "Are you two clients?" He asked opening the door fully. Before the two could answer Sherlock answered for them. "Of course they are John, let them in so less of my time is wasted." He sighed with aggravation, his eyes closed and hands positioned in his usual prayer position steepled under his chin.

"Sorry about him, he's always rude to clients until they give him something interesting to solve." John rolled his eyes. "Take a seat there and I'll get some tea. Would you like some orange juice?" John asked bending down to Y/N's height. She nodded quickly "Yes Mr. Watson that would be very nice." She intelligently replied and walked to the living room where Sherlock dwelled. John walked to the kitchen a little bit surprised, he predicted this would most definitely interest Sherlock, whatever it was that the two females brought into the tiny apartment.

Once John had arrived back and sat in his chair Sherlock shot up. "So what brings you here, grandmother and granddaughter I see." Sherlock looked between the two, Y/N's grandmother didn't say anything as instead the little girl stood, not much of a height difference from when she was sitting. "Good day to you Mr. Holmes and Mr. Watson. My name is Y/N Y/L/N and I'm here to bring forward the Y/L/N case. On November 23 2016 my parents were murdered and I know who killed them but no one will believe or even listen to me!" The little girls eyes filled with tears and she turned to who grandmother who patted her shoulders softly "it's okay to cry sweetie." Her grandmother comforted her as she took a moment to compose herself again. It broke johns heart to see a little girl crying about her family who had been taken away from her, and amazed him how strong and intelligent she was. Sherlock was silent, his hands still in their prayer position this time poised over his lips, carefully listening and watching the little girl. She then turned to the men again and continued.

"That's why I need your help Mr. Holmes and Mr. Watson so you can tell the stupid police officers to catch the lady who killed my parents!" Y/N clasped her hands together, fingers woven together. "Please..."

A little smile had formed on Sherlocks lips from her police comment, but he was quite sure she didn't have the right person. A girl that young couldn't correctly identify the killer, or at least it wasn't likely. Finally Sherlock stood, the most movement he had done in about 24 hours. "Well than young lady, tell me who killed your family and explain how you know." He looked down to her as his joints and back cracked. Y/N nodded with a wide grin on her face, happy that Sherlock Holmes would actually give her a chance.

Her grandmother proceeded to get crayons and papers out of her bag for Y/N, she handed them to her and smiled and Y/N thanked her grandmother, than ran to a table and pulled out a chair then climbed onto it.

She then went on to explain in great detail with messy drawings that her father had been cheating on her mother with another woman. When her mother found out he was cheating she threatened to leave him. In return he ran to his girlfriend and broke up with her, giving her the cold shoulder. She blinded by rage and jealousy used a rifle she stole from her mothers farmhouse and shot both her parents when they were sleeping. Y/N even predicted where the murder weapon would be, most likely abandoned somewhere in the forest near their home.

Johns jaw lay a slack, he was amazed at what she just easily explained to them. Though the drawings were that of a 5 year olds, Sherlock still understood everything, and though he didn't much show it he was just as baffled as John.

"So am I right?!" The little girl looked up to Sherlock excitedly.

"Well I- I'd have to look at the case first. I'll get it from George and call your grandmother when I've solved it." Sherlock straightened up when the little girl pouted sadly "But your case is priority, justice will be served for your family."

Y/N nodded and took her grandmothers hand, she left a bit glum but had to keep strong. For two days she sat beside her grandmothers phone anxiously waiting a call, when the phone finally did ring she answered eagerly "MR. HOLMES DID YOU SOLVE MY CASE?"

Sherlock winced taking his ear away from the phone and putting it back once the volume of Y/N's voice had died down. "Yes I have, I'd like you and your grandmother to come over again."

They immediately came when Sherlock asked, Y/N having been running and jumping the whole way excitedly. She knocked eagerly on the door and john opened it, quickly dodging the little rocket that sped into the flat.

Before Y/N could even say anything to Sherlock she marvelled at the wall of clues and case papers he had made. He looked at the wall down to the little girl "Holly Mercasa was caught yesterday hiding in her mothers barn. You were correct Miss Y/L/N." Sherlock smiled down to the little one. She squealed jumping around happily, though a sudden thud to the ground shook the happy atmosphere. "Can you hear me? Hello?" John shook Y/N's grandmother's shoulder who lay motionless on the kitchen floor "Sherlock call an ambulance!" John yelled as everything became a blur to the young girl, she watched as her grandmother was taken onto a stretcher, taken to the hospital, and than pronounced dead. She watched as the last person she had fade away like the rest.

Crying alone in the corner of a kids play room in the hospital waiting for child services to arrive, the door opened. She didn't bother to look at who came in predicting it was the people who were going to take her and ship her off to another family. When she was told to stand by a familiar voice she quickly obeyed, her eyes wide and puffy from tears streaming from them. Sherlock picked her up propping her on his hip and walking out of the hospital. Y/N still in shock didn't say anything. "Lets go home." Sherlock said softly, she nodded held onto Sherlock burying her little head into the crook of his neck, undoubtably returning to her new home; 221 B Baker Street.

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