Sherlock - Jealousy is a Vicious Motivator

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A request for @ZeeZatara

Reader's POV:

The little bundle of brown fur had long ago fallen asleep on the journey home. I could practically hold it in one hand it was so small. I fished in my pocket with my free hand and got out my keys, then proceeded inside the hallway of 221 after unlocking the door and shutting it behind me with my foot. 

Carefully I placed the sleeping puppy on the cabinet that Mrs. Hudson put a vase on and hung up my coat, then grabbed the pet shop bag and the puppy and quietly travelled upstairs. I don't know why I went up quietly, Sherlock wasn't even home but I suppose since I was so used to him scolding me to be quieter I just got used to it. Thank god he was out with John, I have no idea how I was going to explain this to him.

The little pup cooed and smacked its chops as it had finally woken up, I smiled admiringly and prepared it something to eat, then let it slurp up the food while I took its bed and toys still in the back and stuffed it under the bed. My head suddenly shot up when I heard the door slam shut. No, he couldn't be home yet! I hurried back to the kitchen and picked up the bowl and the puppy and hurried back to my room, shutting the door.

By the time I came out, Sherlock was stretched out on the couch, his famous prayer position propped under his chin. I sighed silently in relief and nonchalantly walked into the kitchen to make some tea. 

"So, I presume Anderson and Donavan were a pain like usual." I casually said, they usually always were after all.

"You've learned to site things out, they grow up so fast." Sherlock retorted, sitting up just as I came into the room with a hot cup of tea for him. I set it down and he flashed me a small yet real smile that always made me melt inside. That was usually how he thanked me and I was totally fine with it, it was rare times that Sherlock actually bothered to show emotion, today he was in a fairly good mood.

Well, that mood would probably soon diminish.

"So what are you hiding?" Sherlock rose and eyebrow as the sipped his tea.

Here we go...

"Nothing Sherlock why would you think I'm hiding something?" I tried to play stupid hoping he'd let it slip. His eyes flicked over me and I knew he was deducing me quicker then a lightning bolt striking. I was in for trouble...

"You have dog hair on your legs and top, its long and wavy, more of the thicker brand...Irish Setter. You did mention that you went to your friends house didn't you? She has one- no two dogs, but you have three different hairs on you. One is much more fine and smaller, most likely a smaller dog, a puppy I presume. Now Y/N, if you are hiding a puppy from me I suggest it find a new ho-"

Interrupting sherlocks deductions was a small whine from the puppy in my room, tiny claws scratching the door for attention. Immediately I put my hands on his chest, trying to push him back as he trudged forward to the door. "No Sherlock please! Her dog had a litter and she was going to give them away, she offered me one and I couldn't say no! Please Sherlock wait!" I cried quickly but my distress was no match for him. My heart pounded out of my chest as he opened the door and the little month old puppy waddled out and sniffed his bare foot. He wrinkled his nose and gently pushed the puppy back but it came back like it was tied to him.

"No." Sherlock frowned putridly at me.

"Oh please Sherlock!"


"Just give it a month! You like dogs don't you?'


"A month!"

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