John - A Sad End

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"All lives end. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage." Your older brothers words echoed your mind. Even if he wasn't the smartest sibling he was definitely the wisest. His words have never been more true at this moment. Caring is not an advantage when the barrel of a gun was pointed at your brother, Sherlock. You could tell the woman was going to shoot. Her finger position didn't seem to falter, not a single regret glimmered in her eyes. She has a blank mind, and one job to do which was to pull the trigger.


You were always the most compassionate of the Holmes, you had learned to see the love and beauty in life far before Sherlock and Mycroft. You were the one to cry for Sherlock and Mycroft if they refused to, you were the one to teach them the little interpersonal skills they had, and you were the one that managed to always get a smile out of them. You could always make the stone cold brothers crack a smile. It was your special move. You were special.

Being special is what attracted John to you. You were still smart like the Holmes, but respectful and gentle. Cunning and beautiful. He loved everything about you, and you loved everything about him. You fit like puzzle pieces, filling in each others potholes you had before you two met. Everything you wanted John was. Everything John wanted was you.

Thats why after dating for a year, a wedding band decorated your left hand ring finger and the same for John, sealing the deal and tying the invisible string that bound you together. Happier than ever, you decided to start a family. Not a year later a baby was on your arms, John held your shoulders and kissed your forehead as you looked at your baby girl in your arms. Little Rosy would soon become your life, but you knew John missed the action, the thrill of the chase. So John started to work on cases again with Sherlock periodically. Everything was good. Life was good.


The gun exploded, the all too familiar gun shot rang out in the room. The bullet path was straight to sherlocks heart, it would be an automatic death. But the bullets destination was never reached. Instead it went straight through yours.

Everyone was shocked, because it wasn't Sherlock who laid on the ground, it was you. It was his baby sister. His best friends wife.

You laid limp when John picked you up. The shine from your eyes already gone. In saving Sherlock's life you conferred a value on it, one which he would not know how to spend. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if Sherlock had been the one. John had been a soldier already. It had been your time to be a soldier, and that meant to hell if anything happened to you.

Mycroft's words were all true. All lives in that room came to an end when you fell to the ground. The lives that always had you in them, the lives that revolved around you. All hearts were broken. Even yours when you jumped in front of the path of the bullet, knowing you'd have to leave the brothers you loved, the baby you loved, and the husband that you so deeply loved.

Caring was not an advantage to Sherlock, Mycroft or John when they sat and held your body, trying to face the fact that the east wind had taken you as quickly as it came.

Hello everyone. Sorry for the sad one, I had been watching a lot of sad Johnlock videos on youtube and had to channel the sadness out or just to ruin some more lives for a night. >:) Hope everyones new year is going good!


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