Chapter 3: The Marketplace Litten

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It's been a few days since Cloud joined the Pokemon School as he decided to take on the Island Challenge. Currently, Ash, Cloud and their respective partners were walking to school when they come across a Litten.

 Currently, Ash, Cloud and their respective partners were walking to school when they come across a Litten

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Cloud: A Litten?

Ash: We've seen it a couple of times since we got here, haven't we, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika.

Rotom Dex: Litten. The Fire Cat Pokemon. A Fire Type. It doesn't allow its emotions to be easily seen. Earning its trust takes time. It prefers solitude.

The Litten jumped down and walked up to Cloud and Ash, rubbing itself on their legs. Cloud kneels down and starts scratching its chin.

Ash: You think it's hungry?

Cloud: Probably.

Ash reached into his bag, pulling out his lunch.

Ash: Look, this is my lunch today.

Cloud just gave Ash a look.

Cloud: Uh, I don't think you should do that.

Ash: Come on, I'm sure it's fine.

Ash then pulls out his sandwich and offers Litten a small piece.

Ash: Here! It's really good.

Litten then snatches the whole sandwich and ran away.

Ash quickly grabs it by the tail, but Litten Scratches his face

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Ash quickly grabs it by the tail, but Litten Scratches his face. Pikachu attempted to use Thunderbolt, only to end up electrocuting Ash.

Rotom Dex: Wait!

Rotom attempted to stop it next, but ends up kicked aside, thus Litten escapes.

Cloud: ...-_-... Am I the only one who saw that coming?


After arriving at the Pokemon School, Ash and Cloud told the class about their encounter with Litten.

Mallow: Oh, that Litten, huh? You both met it?

Cloud: "That" Litten?

Eevee: Vui?

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