Chapter 27: The Resurrected Memory

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Currenly at the beach, Gladion was confronting Cloud over what happened.

Gladion: Why?! Why did you bring Lillie to me?! The reason she's once again unable to touch Pokémon is because she saw Sivally, which made her remember something! It was for her own good that she forgot about this and still you

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Gladion: Why?! Why did you bring Lillie to me?! The reason she's once again unable to touch Pokémon is because she saw Sivally, which made her remember something! It was for her own good that she forgot about this and still you... It's your fault!

Cloud: She just wanted to see you! So Cosmog-

Without warning, Gladion punched Cloud in the face, making him fall to the ground.

Eevee: Eievui!

Gladion: Are you blaming this on Lillie!?

Cloud slowly gets back up.

Cloud: Let me ask you something... You think I wanted this to happen?! Do you think I'd willingly put your sister in danger?! She's been doing her best to be able to touch Pokémon again! You think I'd do anything to ruin this for her? After she's worked so hard to get where she is now?!

Gladion: It doesn't matter... Lillie is unable to touch Pokémon again... Despite what you say, it still happened on your watch, so you are to blame.

Surprisingly enough, Cloud starts chuckling.

Gladion: What... What's so funny!? Have you lost your mind!?

Cloud regains his composure and takes a deep breath.

Cloud: Have I lost my mind you ask? If anything, you're the one who lost yours.

Gladion: Huh!?

Cloud: Look at you, blaming stuff on others when you're just as guilty.

Gladion: *Glare* What did you say!?

Cloud: All Lillie wanted was to see you, to talk to you... And you just kept pushing her away! So Cosmog had to do what you couldn't! You asked me if I'm blaming this on Lillie, and the answer's no. The one at fault is not Lillie, nor me, nor Cosmog. *Points at Him* The one at fault here is you!

Gladion punches Cloud again.

Gladion: Shut up! You have no idea what you're talking about! Don't think you can get away with this by putting the blame on me!

Cloud gets back up and punches Gladion back.

Cloud: No! If you were there for her more this wouldn't have happened! You said you'll protect her, but you're never even around! How about you actually act like her brother for once!? YOU DAMN HYPOCRITE!!!

Cloud pushes Gladion into the water and the two continue punching each other.

Gladion: I can't trust you anymore! Stay away from my sister!

Cloud: So you and your mother can continue leaving her alone!? I don't think so!

Gladion lets go of Cloud and walks out of the water before leaving.

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