Chapter 12: Shivering Shovel Search

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At the beach near Kukui's house, Cloud and Ash are in the middle of practicing Fire Fang with Litten.

Ash: Alright, Litten. Let's give it our all! Come on!

Litten arches his back and begins charging up flames.

Rotom Dex: Litten's temperature is rising!

Ash: Now, use Fire Fang!

Litten charges towards Charizard, who blocks the attack with his wrist. But once again, Litten's Fire Fang fails to activate.

Charizard: ...-_-...

Charizard mercilessly punches Litten to the ground.

Cloud: Are you trying to use Fire Fang, or become a portable heater?

Litten: Litten!

Pikachu: Pika, Pi...

Eevee: Eievui...

Ash: Well, I think you got pretty close...

Litten: Litt...

Cloud: "Pretty close" ain't enough. Let's do it again.

Ash: Yeah!

Charizard: Char!

Litten gulps down after hearing that.

Ash: What did he just say Rotom?

Rotom Dex: "If you give up now, I'll kick yer arse 10 more times."

Charizard proceeds to demonstrate Litten how to use Fire Fang by charging up power.

Rotom Dex: Breathe in heavily, just like that. At this point, the energy is increasing in power inside it's body.

Ash: Litten, mimic that.

Litten: Litt!

Copying Charizard, Litten's power begins to increase as the flames grow stronger within him.

Cloud: Now!

Using Fire Fang, Charizard proceeds to destroy a large boulder.

Charizard: Zard!

Litten attempts to do the same and charges towards Charizard.

Litten attempts to do the same and charges towards Charizard

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But ends up tripping on it's face.

But ends up tripping on it's face

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