Chapter 13: The Red Gaze

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It's been a few days, and after a miss understanding of Sophocles believing he was moving and receiving a Charjabug as a present from Ash, nothing too eventful happened. 

It's early in the morning, Cloud and Ash were in the middle of training before going to school.

Cloud: Eevee, use Last Resort!

Ash: Rockruff, dodge it!

Eevee fires a Last Resort, only for Rockruff to dodge it at the last moment.

Ash: Phew, that was close.

Cloud: Rockruff's getting better at dodging. Alright, Eevee time for a break.

Eevee: Vui!

Ash: You too, Rockruff. Let's go, Litten!

Litten: Lit!

Suddenly, Rockruff runs towards Eevee, attempting to attack her, but Eevee effortlessly dodged it.

Ash: Wow, you sure are eager, huh, Rockruff?

Cloud: I can see you wanna get stronger as quickly as possible. Very well, come on out!

Cloud throws the Poke Ball into the air, sending out Weavile.

Weavile: Weavile.

Cloud: Weavile will be your training partner from here on. Watch out, though, she's super tough.

Ash: Alright! Let's go! Rockruff, Tackle!

Cloud: Weavile, use Night Slash!

The two of them proceed to clash with each other with their attacks.

Ash: Keep going on the offensive! Rockruff, Rock Throw!

Rockruff: Ruff!

Cloud: Block them with Metal Claw.

Weavile easily deflects Rockruff's attack.

Cloud: Now attack!

Weavile quickly knocks down Rockruff with a barrage of slashes.

Cloud: Alright, let's call it a day.

Ash: Yeah! You fought well, Rockruff. I could really feel how motivated you were.

Rotom Dex: The power of it's Rock Throw has increased as well.

Pikachu: Pika!

Litten: Litt!


Cloud looks over at Weavile.

Cloud: Thanks for the help, Weavile.

Weavile: Vile.


It's later in the day and currently everyone was in the middle of having lunch, while the Pokémon were playing together, making a conga line.

Lana: That's cute. I wonder if they're playing Caterpie.

Cloud: Even Snowball looks like it's having fun.

Lillie: Yes. I'm glad.

Sophocles: Hey, did you guys hear? Apparently, a really strong Pokémon Trainer has been visiting this island a lot recently.

Kiawe: A strong Pokemon Trainer?

Cloud: Hm?

Mallow: Yeah, I heard! Some of our guests were talking about it recently.

Ash: What kind of person is it?

Mallow: They said it's a mystery Lycanroc trainer. One who's accompanied by a Midnight Form Lycanroc.

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