Chapter 36: Nine Evoboost

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Everyone is currently on the Pokémon School's battlefield, with Cloud and Ash battling with Eevee and Pikachu.

Cloud: Eevee, use Iron Tail!

Eevee: Vui!

Ash: Dodge it, Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu dashes out of the way, avoiding Eevee's attack.

Cloud: Shadow Ball!

Ash: Counter with Thunderbolt!

Both attacks collide, creating an explosion.

Kukui: Alright, that's enough!

Ash: Great work out there, Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika!

Cloud: Thank you for the hard work, Eevee.

Eevee: Eievui!

Sophocles: By the way, Cloud. What are you going to evolve Eevee into?

Cloud: ...o 3 o... Eh?

Sophocles: Eevee evolutions are so unique in so many ways. Personally, I'd choose Jolteon!

Lillie: I believe Sylveon would be an excellent choice.

Lana: Vaporeon!

Mallow: What about Leafeon?

Kiawe: I'd go with Flareon.

Eevee went quiet for a moment.

Cloud: ...o 3 o... Oh, evolution? We gave up on that a long time ago.

Everyone looks at Cloud confused.

Everyone: Huh?

Kiawe: What do you mean you "gave up"?

Cloud: It means exactly what it means, we gave up.

Ash: Eevee doesn't want to evolve? Pikachu's the same way.

Cloud: Oh, it's not that Eevee doesn't want to, she literally can't.

Lana: She... can't?

Cloud: The topic came up after we some some other trainers evolve their Eevees. I asked her which form did she prefer. Given how there's so many options, I wanted her to be the one to decide. We tried everything, but it just didn't happened.

Everyone was confused to hear that.

Cloud: See for yourselves. Eevee!

Cloud pulls out a Water Stone. When she touches it, Eevee glows for a moment, but the light vanished as Eevee stayed the same, surprising everyone.

Mallow: She really didn't evolve?

Sophocles: Is the stone busted?

Cloud: Nope. Eevee simply won't evolve.

Lillie: I wonder what's going on.

Cloud: No one could find anything wrong with her, but who cares?

Cloud started petting Eevee's head, as she happily and lovingly nuzzled his face.

Cloud: She's perfect just the way she is, and I love her all the same. So if she can't evolve, then we'll just make her the strongest Eevee out there.

Eevee: Eievuvui!

Suddenly, everyone heard the squeals and screams of some girl students, as someone was running towards, Kukui.

(Ilima / Age: 19)

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