Chapter 11: Sad Departures And New Beginnings

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A lot happened in the past few days, such as the case of Ash's Electrium Z going missing, Mallow's Bounsweet evolving into Steene, and Ash and Pikachu having a rematch against Tapu Koko.

Everyone was currently at the Melemele Shopping Mall looking around, when Ash picks up what looks like heart-shaped food.

Ash: What's this? Is it a treat?

Rotom Dex: It's a type of Pokemon food called a Poke Bean.

Cloud: Oh, yeah. Eevee and Charizard love those things.

Eevee: Eievui!

Ash: Really? Which one do you want, Pikachu?

Mallow: Steene's favorite are the flower-patterned ones.

Steene: Steene!

Rotom Dex: What? "Flower-patterned"? Data: Updated! I did not know they were Poke Beans with such patterns.

Ash: This Pikachu-colored one is pretty nice, I guess. Pikachu, what do you think?

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Lillie: Mallow, Lana... I would like to look at the scarves and bandanas for Snowball as well. WHat do you say, Snowball?

Snowball: Vulpix.

Mallow: Sounds good!

Lana: Let's go.

As Cloud was paying for his stuff, he gave a Poke Bean to Eevee as he and the guys were watching the girls shop.

Sophocles: Girls really like shopping, huh?

Kiawe: Pretty much.

Cloud: It's like it's in their genes or something.

Rotom Dex: Statics say that when women get asked if they like shopping, more then 87% answer that they like it or they do not dislike it.

Sophocles: More than 87%!?

The boys then proceeded to wait outside for the girls, and after 20 minutes, they finally came out.

Sophocles: We're finally done shopping now, right?

Mallow: Not yet, Sophocles! Next up is Alola Sunrise! Let's go!

Lana: Go!

Lillie: My!

Sophocles: What!?

Ash: "Alola Sunrise"?

Mallow: It's an accessory shop that's highly popular among girls on Memelele Island!

Sophocles: Accessory and clothing shop...

Rotom Dex: Highly popular...

Ash: Among girls...

Cloud: ...-_-... Uh-huh...

Mallow: Their accessories made from Heart Scales that washed up on the beach, from Corsola branches, or other natural objects are absolutely lovely!

Lana: That's right.

Lillie: Ah...

Kiawe: Sorry, but I'm going home now. I-I'd like to feed the food I just bought for the Pokemon at the farm right away, you see...

Cloud: Um, what cans of food?

Kiawe: See ya!

Kiawe proceeds to fly away on his Charizard as Sophocles's eyes widened.

Sophocles: Oh! I forgot to water the flowers in the garden!

Cloud: ...-_-... Since when do you take care of flowers...?

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