Chapter 62: The Fire Blast of our Bond

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As everyone continued to prepare for the upcoming Pokemon League, Lillie arrived at school, surprising the class with her recently-acquired Z-Ring.

As everyone continued to prepare for the upcoming Pokemon League, Lillie arrived at school, surprising the class with her recently-acquired Z-Ring

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Ash: So this is your dad's Z-Ring?

Cloud: I hope you can find your old man soon.

Lillie: Thank you!

Kukui: Lillie is going to see Hala about that Z-Ring today.

Sophocles: Why?

Lillie: I wish to request that he lets me use this Z-Ring until we find father.

Mallow: That's a great idea!

Lillie: I don't know if I'm really qualified to do so... but...

Cloud: You'll be fine. Believe in yourself a little.

Lana: I'll come with you to cheer you on.

Ash: Me, too!

Cloud: Then we all might as well go.

Kukui: Well then, let's all go right now! This is plenty cause for an extracurricular lesson!


After leaving the school, everyone made their way to Hala's hut, informed him of the situation as well as Lillie's request.

Hala: I remember the day I gave this Z-Ring to Mohn very well. He gave calm, precise orders. But when push came to shove, he proceeded a most passionate battle.

Kiawe: I'd very much like to battle him!

Hala: If he makes it back, we will hold a feast in his honor here.

Kukui: Please do. Now, Lillie. Hit Hala with your wish like an Aurora Beam!

Lillie: Y-Yes sir...!

Lillie stands up nervously.

Lillie stands up nervously

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Lillie: Mr. Island Kahuna, Sir... Yesterday, I was shown my father's room for the first time. I do not remember him, but yesterday I could feel his love for me. I felt elated. And so, I thought... I wish to find my father, whatever it takes! In order to accomplish that, I wish to become stronger! I'm certain that Snowball understands my feelings.

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