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Not many stories begin at a funeral.
But this one does.

It was raining and the crowd was covered with black umbrellas. The crowd was actually fairly big, more than half of the UA student body came and several known pro heroes attended. Even a news team shot a few videos and then put up their equipment out of respect for the dead student.

There were very few pictures of Mai Rika at the age she died at, and none where she was smiling.
They settled for her UA school photo.
Flower bouquets were given to her friends and teachers since she didn't have any known family members.

Students of class 1-A walked into their dorms afterwards fully dressed in black suits and dresses. Her close friends stuck together while other students stood in clumps.

Bakugou loosened his tie. The normally explosive blonde had barely spoken since the attack that lead to the death of his friend, and many other students reacted in a similar way.
They watched someone die. Their friend. Their classmate lost her life in front of them and there wasn't anything they could have done.

Bakugou wasn't sure what made him snap. He swore he heard someone, the wrong someone say they'll miss her and he creaked like and egg.

"Shut up."
He said under his breath looking at the two faced bitch from behind his bangs. Someone had to confront this bitch and now that Mai couldn't, Bakugou was putting it on himself.
He yelled breathing heavily.
Bakugou looked at the class in front of him.

"I want to make something fucking clear..."
He growled staring them down.
"If any of you mother fuckers say ANYTHING about missing her when you didn't give two fucks about Mai when she was alive, I swear I'll burn you to a crisp and put you in the ground beside her."
He threatened, explosions popping around his hands.

Normally if Bakugou screamed and threatened people, his best friend Kirishima, would hold him back. But lately Kirishima hasn't been doing much of anything.
The boy just stared, barely listening to his friend's yelling.

"Bakugou this is a stressful time for all of us-"
Iida said walking up.

"Why?! You weren't her fucking friend. In fact most of you didn't care about her until she was dying on the pavement!"
He turned and looked back at Uraraka eyes fierce and angry.
"Especially not you. You hated her from the moment you saw her, for some petty girl reason! I SWEAR IF ANY OF YOU ACT LIKE YOU WERE FREINDS WITH HER I'LL KILL YOU!"

"Kacchan please-"
Midoriya said putting his hand out to his friend. Bakugou slapped it away with a scoff.

"Don't touch me deku. You're the worst."
He shook his head, his tone was quite but that meant whatever he was about to say he meant, this wasn't just an emotional outbreak.
"You know I told her you were a good friend..."
He said tears running down his cheeks.
"At the hero Agency. I told her that you wouldn't leave her. That if you stuck by me for fifteen years you would be her friend forever."
He grabbed the boy by his collar.

He dropped Midoriya and the boy scrambled to get of the floor. Sero stepped forward and grabbed Bakugou's arm trying to calm him down but he was pushed away.
"You know she actually cared about all of you. For some reason she cared about what you guys thought of her. She locked herself in her room and didn't even eat because she didn't want to make you people uncomfortable. She... SHE FUCKING DIED FOR YOU."

Bakugou took and few steps back before turning to the door.
"I'm done. I can't... I can't even look at you right now."
He pushed the doors open and stomped out. Midoriya ran after as Bakugou made his way to Ground Beta.

You guys know what happens next.
They fight and Bakugou tells him about all of the stored emotions he'd previously stuffed down.

Kirishima watched with hollow eyes and then turned slowly making his way upstairs.
He didn't go into his own room to resume his habit of laying there on his bed for hours, not sleeping, not eating, he couldn't even work up the energy to cry.

He pushed open the door to Mai's room.
No one had touched her stuff. The room remained unmoved by time. If he stood there and looked around he could pretend nothing happened.
He could pretend in a few seconds Mai would walk through the door and tilt her head in confusion after seeing him.

He could pretend they were about to spend another night watching movies.

He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. Maybe he could have done something. Something that could have stopping Mai's death.
Maybe he should have stayed by her after the bus, maybe he could have convinced her not to fight them alone.

"I... I l-love y-you."

Mai's last words echoed through his mind and he rubbed his eyes.
It might not have been a lot but... He had her for a day right? For a day she was his girl.
And for a single moment he loved her and she loved him.

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