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'If only humans weren't so fragile...'
Shiggaraki thought with his usual irritation.
Overhauls attack did a number on them. One of his members was dead and the other was seriously injured, meaning shiggaraki would have to take a raincheck on his new planned attack on UA high.

He scratched his neck.
He wanted to kill All might, and that plain looking brat... And the crazy explosion boy like he did with that devil bitch.

Now because of his fragile companions he had to wait and destroy the Yakuza first.
'Figures... Why can't anything go my way...'


Bakugou looked at a news article about Jeanest. No one knew where he was, after Bakugou was kidnapped he was injured but the news stations were to incompetent to tell him if the pro was dead or not.

God was that agency cursed or some shit? First Jeanest then Mai.
'Next thing we know I'll drop dead.'
He thought with a scoff.

He looked up at shitty hair and Deku who were talking to each other quietly.
'Stupid fuckers, keeping secrets because they have hero licenses. I'll show them! I'll show them and I'll show All might I don't need to eat his damn hair to be number one...'

Bakugou glared at the two, his eyes not actually looking as he stared into space. His edgy internal monologue increased until his thoughts flew in a grumbling spiral.


Mai kicked a bag of sand with her barefoot.
The irritated area left a odd gold mark on the top of her foot as her shiny blood was brought to the surface.

Well actually the blood wasn't hers, it was partly Alma's blood or life force and partly a different substance all together.
Alma's blood and life force granted her the ability to use energy.

She reeled back her leg and kicked with her quirk. The bag flew farther but didn't bust, she clinched her jaw and hit it again.
It had enough strength that the bag's seams split and sand spilled out.

Mai stretched her neck.
Her quirk was weak and wasn't natural to use meaning Mai had to push herself to use it.
Her hearing worked exceptionally well though.
Because of her lack of sight she needed everything she could to get around.

Mai stretched out her hands and put her palms together until she felt a warmth grow between them. She pulled them apart slowly and a golden staff formed from In between her hands.
Golden strands of energy welded together into a firm physical item that she used instead of the staff Alma had given her earlier.

She hit it against the floor and skimmed the floor with it until it hit the wall.
Guiding her way forward.


Midoriya and Mirio walked through the streets on patrol. According to Nighteye things go smoothly.
The man decided that checking their future was best after what happened last time.

His eyes checked every alley and dar corner as he prayed for Eri to run out to safety.
The daughter of Overhaul hadn't been seen since he and Mirio last interacted with her, meaning he didn't even know if she was dead or alive anymore.

Nighteye and the others had information they weren't sharing. Midoriya knew that and it made him uneasy. They were going to have a meeting soon and Deku could sit in but what if he wasn't allowed to fight? What if they decided to cancel any raid?! What they knew Eri was dead-

"It'll be fine Deku! If something was wrong Sir nighteye would warn us... Probably!"
Mirio said putting his hand on Deku's shoulder when his anxiety started showing through.
"And remember. Keep your mask up!"
He pulled the thin fabric over the younger boy's head and covered his face.


A sleak black car being drove by a man in sunglasses and a suit pulled up to a cemetery.
The driver turned to his passenger.
"Only a few minutes sir. We can't stay long."
He said simply and the passenger hummed in response.

He stepped out and his foot landed straight into a puddle. He sighed as his shiny shoes were tainted.
"We'll stop at a shoe store on our way back as well."

He decided as he continued to get out of the car. Holding his rain jacket so it covered most of his expensive custom suit.
"I won't be long."

He walked away from the car, tilting his hat down. Showing his face in public was a risky move but he'd waited months to simply vist and had to pay a social call at some point.
Otherwise she might think he's ignoring her.

He smiled down at the tombstones, scanning them for the name Rika.
'I know it's somewhere... Ah!'
He stepped up the to tombstone and showed a broad smile.

"Hello there! I'm back and I brought you something!"
He set down a single red rose.
His smile dimmed when he looked around.
"I wish they'd keep all these weeds away! Why can't you have a moment of peace!"
He picked up a few sticks and threw them aside. The grabbed a tall weed by the stem and pulled it from the ground.

He stepped back with a proud smile.
"There! All better. I'm truly sorry I haven't visited dear. I've been busy you know, Running from the law. But I've found a very nice place to stay and I doubt the pros will find me."

He leaned forward and put a hand on the stone.
"So don't worry about Your old pal Amaya Keiji! I'll be safe for the meantime, until I get this all in order-"

The car honked and he looked at his driver with a frown.
"Oh.. looks like it's time to go already."
He stood up.
"I'll vist again soon, goodbye Rose."

The man turned and left leaving the tombstone of Rose Rika behind.

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