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Just like any other highschool dance the ballroom was filled with loud music. The most popular songs of the year blasted through the room as the well dressed teenagers jumped up and down screaming the songs that they knew and dancing to the ones they didn't.
There were tables around the room that had lots of small snacks.

A punch bowl and a chocolate fountain with strawberries and other things to dip in it.
There was areas for taking photos with several silly props to use.
It was truly an average highschool dance.

Mai had walked in and stayed next to Jirou for most of the dance. The girls held hands and Jirou tried her best to keep Mai from running into anything or anyone.
Mai wasn't using her quirk due too the loud noises, smells of teenage bodies and the heat of so many people in one room.

But once the music started to slow Jirou steered her to the side lines, the two girls laughed and began to jokingly dance with each other to the slow song, until someone else walked up.
"Hello ladies~"
Denki Kaminari greeted walking up.

"What do you want Pikachu?"
Jirou joked and Mai chuckled.

"I'd actually like a dance, if you don't mind me cutting in Mai?"
He said extending his hand to Jirou.

"Of course not! Have fun."
Mai said pushing Jirou towards Kaminari.

He smiled, leading a slightly Jirou away before giving Kirishima a not very subtle wink.
Mai was alone during a slow dance, this was totally his chance.
He took it, he walked across the room and then jogged when he saw two guys from one-B getting a little too close to Mai.

He said finally making it to her and sending a glare in the direction of the other guys that clearly said "fuck off"
Which they did, though Tetsu seemed pretty disappointed.

Mai greeted.
She looked so pretty, in the flashing colorful lights and the shine of the disco ball. Colors off all kinds flashed over her face.
Her hair which had grown out a lot, framed her face perfectly.

"Can I have this dance?"
He asked, leaning forward and taking her hands gently.

"I don't know how to dance."
She attempted sheepishly.

"Mai believe me, if you can fight blind and dodge flying knives. You can learn to dance."
He urged, pulling her towards the dance floor.

"I suppose you have a point."
She said with a small smile.

"Besides, it's basically just swaying a little bit with our arms around each other. There's nothing too it."
He said, pulling her arms up and around his shoulders. He then let his settle on her waist.
He lead her back and forth, swaying with the music.

"And what are we supposed to do while dancing?"
Mai asked after a few moments of easy silence.

"Well, some people make casual conversation and others just stare into each others eyes."
He said, looking down at her.
God she was so close, and she was smiling. He liked her smile, and they've gotten way less rare then they once were.

"I'd prefer conversation, it might be difficult for me to look into your eyes."
She joked.

"Alright, that makes sense."
He said with an embarrassed chuckle.

"Have you done this before?"
Mai asked.

"Done what?"
He questioned, not quite understanding what she was asking.

She clarified.

"Ah, yeah once or twice. At different middle school dances."
He answered.

"With who?"

"I don't even remember, just some random girls I was dared to ask."
He admitted.

"Were you dared to ask me?"
She asked tilting her head to the side.

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