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Momo, Todoroki and Uraraka headed to the broken cell tower.
The thinking was, Momo could figure out how to fix it. Uraraka could use her quirk to lift the tower and any rubble and Todoroki could secure it with ice and fight Offensively.

Midoriya, Tokoyami, Ojiro, Tsu and Shinsou went to Bakugou's last known whereabouts because other than Iida they were the fastest. Shinsou was there because his quirk wasn't well known yet, making him valuable in combat.

While Mina, Hagakure and Aoyama stayed with Mirio and the two already captured "villains" at the meeting point where they'll all meet up in ten minutes.
Unless something happened to them, then the others would go to their location to find them.



"Wasn't this supposed to only last thirty minutes?"
All might asked as him and Aizawa watched the  fight.

"Yes but I stopped the timer, I want to see where this goes."
Aizawa said, he'd been intrigued since Mai took down the cell tower. She was acting like this was real and truly taking on her role.
She was similar to an actual villain in the strategic way she was acting, making her a perfect opponent for his students.

"So you're letting this remain a one v twenty?!"
All might raised an eyebrow.

"No, it's one v eleven. She's defeated nine."
Aizawa corrected.

"Alright, alright."
All might agreed.
"But if it gets bad I'll step in."

"She can handle herself, you know that. It's no secret that she's the most impressive student In this year's hero course."
Aizawa said scratching his neck as he watched her make her way to the rest of her captured team.

"You shouldn't have favorites."
All might lectured. Aizawa could counter with many things like how she was his adopted daughter and he very obviously favored both her and Midoriya.

"That's not picking favorites, that's a fact that you can't deny."


"Aggggh this is literally soooo boring! Everyone else is out doing the cool stuff and we're just sitting here."
Mina complained leaning against the rubble Hado was caught on. A net made by Momo pinning her to the rock.

"I know right! I wanna fight!"
Toru whined.
"Even Shinsou and Ami are getting to do stuff! And they're new!"

"Oui oui! I wish to show my sparkle by shining in combat! Not sitting around guarding random baboons!"
Aoyama agreed with his usual splendor.

Hado exclaimed and Tamaki just mumbled something about monkeys.

"Hey don't say that! All parts of hero missions are important no matter how insignificant they may seem in the moment-"
Mirio attempted to encourage them.

"Cut the bullcrap guy, I'm not in the mood for positivity."
Mina said plopping on the ground.
"I just wish something interesting would happen-"

As if summoned by their complaints our Goddess Mai appeared seemingly out of the blue.
Aoyama exclaimed while jumping up and shooting his Lazer in the direction she was charging from.

"Aider! Je suis bien trop belle pour mourir au combat!"
He screamed alerting Mina who jumped up immediately in alarm.

"What the fuck are you saying?!"
She screamed launching acid at Mai, who blocked with tiny energy shields.
"Mai honey let's talk about this-"
She pleaded, Mai covered herself like she did with the pigeons and attacked Mina head on with another staff.

She swung down, attempting to hit Mina's head but the Alien queen dodged to the right, using her hands to spit acid at Mai.
The substance sizzled against the force field and created a small weak spot by Mai's ribs that didn't go unnoticed by Toru.

Mai swung again, this time knocking Mina's legs out from under her.
The girl yelped and fell to her back. Aoyama shot his Lazer a few times but missed more than he hit her. He fell to his knees when his stomach started to ache but aimed one last shot that hit her head.

It wasn't his goal to injure her, he knew that likely wasn't possible. But to cause a distraction, which would have worked well accept... Well Mai was blind.
Meaning she could tell that Toru was sneaking up with intent to punch her as easily as she would if anyone else was.

He'll She didn't even know Toru was invisible.

She swung again and hit the Invisible girl in the head, rendering her completely unconscious.

"Oh cher! mes camarades!"
Aoyama yelled crawling away.
Mina jumped up in some fancy breakdancing fashion and hit Mai's weak spot.
The shield faltered and disappeared but that didn't stop Mai from continuing her attack.
She grabbed Mina, her quote 'bestfriend' and body slammed her into the pavement.

Acid burned her hands but once she had Mina down taking her energy was easy.
All that was left was Aoyama who laid trembling on the ground.
"Miséricorde! pitié s'il vous plait!"
He begged.

"Villains Don't often show mercy!"
Mirio said as Mai knocked him out.
Mai had a lot of questions, the biggest of which was why the fuck Mirio knew french, but that wasn't important at the moment.

She untied hee comrades and grabbed the rope used on Tamaki.
Nejire exclaimed hugging Mai.
"I think you're cool! Does that scar still hurt?"
She asked curiously poking Mai's face.
Mai waved her hand away.

"Do you guys know where the other students are? They're out of my range."
She asked the two "villains"

"Half went to where the communication tower was to try and fix it! The others went to go find The students Bakugou and... Ami!"
Nejire said, Tamaki nodded nervously.

"Alright, you guys go after the ones looking for Bakugou's group. I already knocked out him and the other students that were separated from these two groups, so you won't have to worry about them.
I'll go back to the communication tower."
Mai said untangling the rope.

"T-they h-h-have the sc-cary ice guy-y... And that s-smart girl too, you sure y-you want t-to go alone?"
Tamaki stuttered.

"I won't."
She turned to Mirio.
"I'm taking a hostage."

I know this arc is long but it's almost over I swear!
Just bare with me please!

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