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"We should go to the tower, see what we can do for the comms and check the area for villains."
Momo suggested.
"Meanwhile someone should go to where Jirou and her group are to let them know the situation. And another group should go find Bakugou and Sero's groups, start at the fallen building."
She strategized.

"Alright, Iida you should go to Jirou. You're the fastest, the rest of us split up."


Sneaking on people was hard, so Mai decided "fuck it" and just approached as quickly as possible. She flew just barely over the ground so Jirou wouldn't track her steps, the tip of her foot brushing the ground no harder than a breeze.
Then when she got to the building she scaled the wall.

"Someone's here!"
Jirou announced.

'Shit, I should make this quick.'
Mai thought pulling herself up onto the roof after scaling the final story.
She immediately started combat, not wanting to lose the slight edge she had, though Jirou spoiled her surprise.

Jirou yelled plugging in her speakers and sending a sound wave in Mai's direction.

"Help! Help me my friends! Help!"
A pigeon ran slap into Mai's face seconds
after she dodged the sound wave. The poor guy fell to the ground, but flew up and immediately continued it's assault.
Mai sliced Shouji's leg before he even had the chance to do anything, his extra ears and eyes had been overwhelmed by the sound and the now hundreds of birds flooding the area.

The dark cloud of feathers gave Iida a beacon to follow as he ran across the city.

Mai ducked down and made a shield over herself to hide. The birds were everywhere, filling all of her senses. Their wings fluttered and flapped, their beaks pecked at her before she put the shield up and they smelled awful and musty.
For a few moments Mai was beaten. She laid gasping for breath as panic took over her.

But she shook her head. She didn't have time to panic. Though she didn't remember it, in the Arena she was trained to know that panicking or letting your guard down for even a second could be fetal.
She pulled the shield closer and fused it to her body like armor, creating a move inspired by Kirishima.
Her body was indestructible from head to toe, but she knew it wouldn't last long due to the amount of energy it took to maintain it.

She couldn't hear Jirou or Kouda but used a wave to identify their location. To her right.
She jumped up, swatting at the birds and tackling Kouda, cutting his side and rendering him completely unconscious.
The birds cleared and Mai didn't waste time. She was forced to drop the shield and kick.
Jirou out her arms up in defense but she wasn't good at hand to hand combat.

Mai grabbed her shirt, when they were this close Mai had the advantage, Jirou couldn't use the shock waves at this distance. It was more of a long-range weapon.
Mai kneed Jirous stomach and then cut her shoulder in a similar matter to how she did Bakugou's.

She stood up and shuddered when she thought of the birds again, her dreams would probably be filled with feathers and pigeon shit tonight.


Iida desperately ran towards the flock of circling birds in the distance, the cloud covered the building and prevented him from seeing the people on the top.
By the time he actually made it to the building they had gone, Iida rushed up the stairs. Kouda would only use that many animals if he was in combat, so Iida would likely come face to face with one of the villains when he made it up the stairs.

He burst into the roof, fists clenched in preparation. But when he got there and saw Mai Rika he tripped and fell in surprise.

He hadn't expected that.
Mai Rika was standing there over the bodies of his fallen comrades.

An image flashed in his head. An image of her body, broken and battered on the ground.
He gasped and Mai turned.
Normally she would immediately attack, but she didn't feel right doing it to someone gasping on the ground.

"You good?"
She asked and received no answer, she stayed back. Just awhile ago she pulled the "dead but not dead" move and there was no way she was gonna fall for it herself.
He shook a little, attempted to stand up only to just sit on his knees.
"Are you crying?!"
Mai asked, she definitely wasn't going to attack while someone was crying. Mai might be a gladiator but she was no monster.

He said rubbing his nose and wiping his glasses. Then his eyes because he definitely was crying.
Mai walked over, still on her guard like usual. She was prepared for an attack.

And one came.


He grabbed her arm and she jerked back, she prepared to counter with a punch but he hugged her. Mai stiffened immediately.

"I-i- don't w-want t-to figh-ht you."
He whispered hugging her. Last time he touched her she was broken and dying. Last time he held his friend she was bleeding out in front of him.
He didn't want to fight her, not yet. To hell with training.

"Uh... Okay?"
Mai said, shifting around. His arms where around her and his position forced her to her knees.

Mai felt bad, but she had a task to do.
She didn't have time for this. She gave his back a tiny cut.
"We'll talk about this later."
She said before knocking him out.

'Well that was weird. I don't even know that guy... So what's next?!'


Have any of you guy's watched
"spy x family"
Because I've been considering writing a spy x family fanfic and I wanted to know if any of you guys would be interested?

It would be a Grown Anya AU.
She'd probably be a spy or something maybe.
I got the idea because I couldn't find a lot of good fanfictions about the show lol.

But that's all.


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