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"What's going on!?! There too much fire!!"
Mina said as she peered into the fires on the screen. When the fires once again started to subside Kirishima, who had been watching the screen very closely jumped in front of it with his eyes shut tightly.
"Don't look!!!"
He yelled boldly.

"Hey you're blocking the-"
Aizawa shut off the screen as well before many of the students could see that, while she had made it through the fire somewhat unscathed her bra was actually holding on for dear life.


Mai held her clothes up with one hand as the cold air hit an area that the cold air shouldn't have access too.
Mai quickly walked over too the barely conscious Shoto Todoroki and did what any lady would do.

She took his jacket.
'Better him shirtless than me.'
She thought to herself, disposing of the singed bra after she had the jacket on.
She drug him to the jail and threw him in Before she ran over too where she left Tetsutetsu.
He was breathing fine now that the smoke had cleared from the air.
His eyes fluttered open and he looked around slowly, his mind still muddled from the smoke.
But he could realize just who was kneeling by him.

Mai's eyes were staring forward at nothing, the small still burning fires around them gave her a slight golden glow and illuminated her scars.
He whispered blinking.

She asked tilting her head to the side with a frown as her glowing golden hands grazed over his wounds, gently giving him energy to heal his burns.

"I- nothing!"
He mumbled frantically with a laugh.
"H-hey why are you wearing Todoroki's costume?"
He asked looking for anything to say that's not about her looks.

"I needed it."
She said simply.
"Can you get up? We should find the others."
Mai asked holding his forearm.

'She's holding my arm- god I'm such a simp-'
He thought like this over and over again, not responding to her question.

"Did you hear me?"
She asked gently.
'Maybe he should stay here for now-'

"Yeah! S-sorry yeah I can..."
He said struggling to stand up.
'Don't leave...'

Mai grabbed his arm when he began to wobble.
"Now hold on!"
He whispered, cursing under her breath as she put his arm around her shoulders. So she could hold him up.
"Come on, I hear yelling this way."
She said.

She was holding him up and he was her eyes, telling her what was ahead. He was also blushing furiously to the contact. Mai assumed his elevated heart rate was because of the conflict they were walking up too, but he didn't care about that in the slightest.

Once his steps got steader and he was able to walk without assistance Mai let go, keeping him at arm's length.


"Yeah speaking of that aren't you and Tetsutetsu friends?"
Mina asked Kirishima who was staring at the screen intently, not paying any attention to the conversation.

Mina, Momo and 1-B's Kendo had been talking about Kendo and Momo's friendship.
Mina yelled closer to his ear.

"Ah! What?!"
He yelled snapping out of his daze.

"We were talking about how not a lot of people from our classes know each other... And I asked if you and Tetsu are still friends."
Mina said and the others giggled.

He looked at at the screen and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"He's... He's dumb...."

He mumbled marching off, Mina scoffed.
"What a baby."
She whispered.

Kendo frowned.
"Wow I always thought Kirishima was a nice guy, and him and Tetsu are friends. So what's up with that?"
She asked, her eyebrows knit together.

"OooOOoh that."
Mina said, she leaned towards Kendo who immediately leaned closer to her.
Mina put her hand up to cover her mouth in typical gossip fashion.
"Kirishima has had a HUGE and I HUGE crush on Mai since the camp out last summer."
Mina informed Kendo, and Momo nodded. Kirishima hadn't ever told Momo any of this, he didn't have too.

The whole class could tell.

"And how does she feel?"
Kendo asked.

"Mai? Who knows really, Mai is hard to read and a tough nut to crack. I actually doubt she's in touch enough with herself to know if she has feelings for someone. Especially now that she's dealing with the whole memory loss thing."
Mina answered, she was concerned for her friend. Dispite how intelligent and tough she was, Mai was very innocent of stuff like emotions.
Mina almost felt like she needed protection.

"Well him liking her sure makes sense. She's really pretty."
Yui Kodai said from her spot not too far away.
She previously had only been listening to their conversation.

"Yeah, definitely."
Mina mumbled, dispite her scars she was actually gorgeous. In fact in a way her scars added to her beauty.

But what was more impressive was her strength.


"We have an minute left on the clock!"
Mai said listening to the ticking of the clock.

"What?! We have to help!"
Tetsutetsu yelled, how did they lose so much time?!"

"I'm going to end this."
Mai said, her wings springing from her back.


Just like before she blasted off, jumping from the ground with her quirk.
She flew through the air searching for the remaining players.

One was also in the air holding up three unconscious people. Since Mai knew not all of them were her teammates she flew up.
"What are you doing?"
Mai asked the girl in the air.

"I can't fight them so I'm waiting it out!"
The very stressed but determined girl said while panting.

Mai nodded and dropped, the girls plan was to wait it out and have a draw.
Mai doesn't tie with people. She wants to either win or lose its in her nature.

She punched Shoji without any hesitation. He stumbled back and Mai grabbed his shirt, she turned around pulled him over her shoulder and threw him with all her might in the direction of the cell.
'I highly doubt this will work.'
She thought negatively as he left her hand and flew through the air.

Angels (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now