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Angels, chapter 25
"Maybe true loves kiss will help!"
Denki suggested and Mina punched his arm.

"She has severe head trauma! Not a curse!"
She said and he frowned.

"I know that, but mayyyybe it will make her remember him! And the last time he tried to kiss her!"
He said desperately.

Angels, chapter 46

"There is a known and somewhat common phenomenon where a person's quirk evolves rapidly in a time of dire need. When ones life is endanger. Normally this happens with intelligent quirks that seem to have minds of their own, in a metaphorical way.

Mai has one of these quirks, we learned after she suffered an injury from her fight with All Might at the final exam that her quirk prevented drugs that would cause a person to remain unconscious from working properly or for long periods of time."

The effect of Kirishima's kiss wasn't magic exactly. After, or maybe a little before death Mai's quirk evolved one final time.
But instead of evolving to make her stronger it completely shut out Mai's past.

She developed what is commonly known as dissociative amnesia. Where someone alters or completely blocks out certain people or events that are often traumatic. I'm Mai's case it was caused by her quirk and her subconscious mind working together to completely block her memory.

But once her lips touched Kirishima's it let in memories of her loved one.
But with it came all of her memories in a tsunami of horrible images.


"I'm sorry!"
Kirishima said as Mai jumped up, gripping her head.

"What the hell did you do shitty hair?!"
Bakugou said, appearing seemingly out of nowhere.

"I- I don't know- wait what are you doing here?!"
He asked grabbing a sobbing Mai gently.

"Ears told me and the others you guys were out here, I came to make sure you didn't do anything stupid. Which you obviously did!"
Bakugou yelled.

Kirishima held Mai as she sobbed though neither of them knew what the fuck was going on.

"Hey Mai, it's okay I'm sorry if I-"
Kirishima started speaking to her softly.

"No! No no I- there's... All I can see..."
She pleaded in hysterics, her blind eyes wide and afraid while tears streamed down her cheeks. She looked pale and terrified.

"What is it Mai? What can you see?"
Kirishima mumbled, running his hands through her hair.

"Blood. So much blood. It's my fault! I'm a monster I'm-"
She sobbed again and tried to push away.

"She's remembering..."
Bakugou whispered.

"Mai remember me? Don't think of that, think of your friends! Remember us? Do you remember UA?"
He asked, Hoping that if she was going to remember, he could steer her to more pleasant memories.

"I-I I do, I do but..."
Her breathing got heavier as she kept panicking.

"Then remember that."
Bakugou choked out, his own eyes puffy with empathy for his friend.
"Remember us."

She wriggled and shoved away pushing Kirishima back. She pressed the palms of her hands into her eyes and cried more.
"I'm sorry...."
She whimpered, backing up.

"Be careful Mai!"
Kirishima said stepping forward to stop her from falling down the small set of stairs behind her.
Bakugou stepped forward and held her up before she could trip and fall.

She dropped to her knees and hugged herself, her sobs turning into small sniffled as she ran out of tears to cry. Her grey eyes were puffy and swollen.

"It's alright, we're here okay?"
Kirishima said softly, approaching her slowly and quietly like she was a wounded animal he didn't want to scare away.

And then her crying abruptly stopped.
She collapsed forward with wide eyes.

"What the hell!?-"
Bakugou yelled as a dart whizzed past him, just barely missing his neck. The same spot where Mai was just hit.

They were under attack.

Kirishima lunged to her and hardened his skin to protect her and himself. He grabbed Mai and hugged her against himself as a few darts bounced off his skin.

Bakugou opened his mouth to yell for help to the people inside when he couldn't locate the attacker, but froze when he looked over at his friend.
In a second the dart whizzed through the air and hit it's target with perfect accuracy.

His eye.
Kirishima screamed and his hand went up to his only unprotected area. Blood spilled from his eye socket down his face and he covered his hurt eye with his hand. His pain was short lived as the drug in the dart took effect and caused him to pass out.

And in that moment Bakugou was frozen, the explosions that he was using to protect himself stopped. He should have used them to protect Kirishima, He thought.
His cry for backup caught in his throat as he tried to force himself to move.
To do something, anything.

But he couldn't, he was in shock.

One minute he was dancing with his stupid friends at a school dance, the next Mai was having a breakdown and now Kirishima was half blind and unconscious.

His mind couldn't keep up with the rapid change in events and soon a well aimed dart hit it's mark.

And everything when black.

So uh... Hey bitches! I did that lol

Say hello to pirate Kirishima!

And yes, this will be permanent

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And yes, this will be permanent.

Also I started a new mha story called "Ravens"
Go check it out if you want, I'm only two chapters in though.

That's all byyyye

Angels (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now