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Classes soon resumed like normal.
But a few changes in the student's schedule remained.

They were going to therapy.

Hound dog and a few other therapists hired by the school had their work cut out for them.

The only student that wasn't slower than usual was the resident pervert known as Mineta.
Teachers have been too concerned over the recent death of their student to be watching him like usual and he was prepared to take advantage of that.

But he didn't get the chance.

Mineta was called to the principal's office and he trembled as he walked there. Was he in trouble again? All he did was walk into Momo's ass, it wasn't his fault he was short!
Or that was his prepared excuse. It was nothing but a happy little accident!

He walked in and saw both Aizawa and Nezu.
The mouse man smiled and waved.
"Hello student! We need to discuss a rather important matter with you!"
The man-mouse-bear-thing chirped from behind his cup of tea.

Mineta said sitting down, his legs could no longer touch the ground because of how high up he was, so he kicked them in the air.

"Now I hate to be the one to say this- well actually I don't! You're expelled!"
He man/mouse said with his usual perky attitude causing Aizawa to shake his head.

Mineta's mouth dropped open.
"What? But sir! Please-"
The boy begged

"No. I told you last week that if you touched another girl in an inappropriate manner you'd be expelled, so now I'm following through."
Aizawa said with a yawn.

"B-but i- I'm in mourning! Yes that's right! I handle grief in a weird way and-"

Aizawa punched the table his hair floating and eyes glowing red.
"Then you can mourn somewhere else."
He hissed. In Aizawa's Opinion people like Mineta were the lowest life form that could possibly crawl from the mud.
Was he really trying to use Mai's death as an excuse to molest teenage girls?

"Now now Aizawa... Mineta is no longer your student so you can't lecture him anymore! Now let's see... Oh! You have a day to move out of the dorm system and unless you become a Jr sidekick in a month your provisional hero license will become void! Now please leave my office."
Nezu said looking over papers and sipping tea as though he wasn't destroying someone's future career.

"But what if Villains come after me?!"
Mineta pleaded as Aizawa pushed him from the office.

"Then they have my condolences."
Aizawa said shoving him out and slamming the door. Rubbing his eyes with a groan. That's one less pain in the ass to deal with.

Nezu folded his hands (paws?) with a smile.
"Now what student should we replace that scum bag with?"


Her eyes flew open but she was greeted by only darkness. It was a subtle movement but it was something. Previously she'd been only slightly conscious, her mind bobbing in and out of dreams, her body unable to move.
She could barely feel anything either, everything was numb.

But she could hear, she could hear voices she didn't recognize.
"Welcome back Angel."
A accented voice hummed.

The girl responded with a small groan as she tried to speak but nothing came out.
A hand pushed her slightly ajar mouth closed.
"Sorry you're still in recovery, that was some fight you know."
The woman mused.

'Fight? What fight?'
The girl struggled trying to move more than her eyelids. Why couldn't she move? Why couldn't she see?

"Unfortunately your eyes remained permanently effected. We weren't able to save your sight."
The voice explained gently.

A hand brushed the blind girl's arm briefly her unseeing eyes widened, she couldn't see? Wait...
She scanned through her mind. Oddly enough she didn't have any memories whatsoever, let alone some where she could see.
She couldn't remember a single thing about herself or her past.

"Hey! I tried my best!"
Another voice said from farther away.
"It's not like you can resurrect people!"

'Resurrect? Like from the dead?'
Mai thought.
'I was dead?'
She didn't remember dying, but then again she also didn't remember being alive.

The accented voice closer to the paralyzed girl sighed in response to her companion.
"I'm not complaining Aph! I'm simply telling her that you failed to fix her eyes!"
The woman said with a laugh.
Her accent was thick and beautiful as she spoke Japanese almost fluently, but Mai didn't know where it was from.

"Next time you're on your own Alma, I won't tolerate your fussing again."

The girl tried to make sense of the conversation but failed to. Her thoughts were slower than ever and nothing about this situation made sense. Her eyelids drooped over her sightless eyes and she felt tired again.

The voices became muffled as she slowly faded back to sleep.


Maybe introducing new hero course students so soon wasn't a good idea. But a month had passed since the death of Mai Rika and the school had to continue as usual.
So two general studies students stood infront of class one-A.

A girl with long chocolate brown hair fiddled with her hands under their stares. Ami was taking seat nineteen that previously belonged to the now expelled Mineta.

And a tall boy who looked even more sleepless than usual, named Shinsou now had Mai Rika's spot in seat number ten.

Ami Ren was a short girl that was slightly on the pudgy side but not completely overweight. Her skin was tanner than most Japanese girls and she had bright blue eyes that looked around nervously.
"H-hi my name is Ami Ren."
She into when the silence got too strong.

Shinsou shrugged his hands shoved in his pockets.
"Most of You guys know who I am."
He said simply with a shrug.
"I want you guys to know two things."
The teen put up two fingers as he looked over the students.
"I'm not here to make friends so don't try it."

He put a finger down.
Last time he made a freind she died, he wasn't anxious to relive that experience.
"And two. I'm not going to even try to replace her, just think of me as a background character you can just ignore."
He said walking to the seat that once belonged to Mai. He knew this was people rough for these guys so he was planning on sparing them the trouble of telling him off.

"O-oh! Yeah same. I only met Mai twice but she was unbelievably cool both times! I know you guys are probably sick of hearing this but I'm sorry about everything you went through."
Ami agreed.
She'd been mean to Mai once and then the girl turned around and protected her from a pervert. She was literally the coolest person Ami ever met and she was shocked when she heard about what happened.

Everyone was.

Angels (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now