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Mai woke up, she felt dizzy and disoriented.
But also completely trapped, her entire torso was being hugged by something that she couldn't see, and her feet weren't even touching the ground.

She was suspended in the air slightly and her body was tilted forward. Mai struggled immediately but not only was she unable to push against anything but she felt too sluggish to fight hard.
Her quirk wasn't even working properly.

Once the effect of the sleep drug wore off she felt another prick in her neck and moments later she felt tired again. Someone was drugging her every few minutes. It worked to keep her quirk from fighting against the toxins.
Mai thought wiggling around as panic set in.
'Shit, shit, shit.'

Whoever this was obviously knew what they were doing. They weren't as stupid as the league.
It was someone who knew her well and with her recovered memories she had an idea on who it was.

And she didn't want to be there when he came to see her.

A familiar voice rang out, not too far from her.
"Mai it's gonna be alright."

Kirishima was strapped and chained down against the wall, with a still unconscious Bakugou beside him.

"What's going on? Tell me what you can see."
Mai asked.

Kirishima chuckled.
He had a white bandage taped over his left eye, so he couldn't see nearly as much as normal.
"I'm against the wall, it's pretty dark in here but we're in a room, the walls look like cinder block or something. There's a door about ten feet across from you.
You're hanging from a few chains in the air. You're... You're in some sort of straight jacket."
Kirishima tried his best to describe the room to the blind girl.

"What about Bakugou? Is he here?"
Mai asked, trying to calm her breathing. She couldn't afford to have another panic attack, not right now. She needed to stay calm.

"He's bedside me, but he's still unconscious."
Kirishima told her.

"I'm awake... Dumbass..."
A very groggy Bakugou grumbled.
"How's your fucking eye?"
He asked, Kirishima flinched. He hadn't been planning on telling Mai about his injury yet, he didn't want to worry her even more.

"It's fine, just hurts but I think they gave me something for it, so it's not that bad."
Kirishima admitted.

"What? What happened to your eye?"
Mai asked tilting her head, her breathing still unsteady.

"Nothing, I'm fine."
Kirishima lied, he wasn't fine. This was one of the worst pains he's ever felt, even while slightly numb it was extremely uncomfortable.

"What happened?"
Mai asked again, this Tim more sternly.

"It... It was hit with a dart. But I swear I'm fine-"

"How Noble."
A new voice rang through the room. The door had silently opened to reveal the guy Mai was dreading to meet again.

"Go suck a dick Keiji."
Mai spat at the man she despised the most.

"A pleasure as usual Angel."
He countered.

Bakugou mumbled and Kirishima's eye widened in surprise.

"I thought it was the league-"
He admitted, this was the first time he'd ever seen this despicable man in person. He was wearing a full crisp while suit with a single red rose in his pocket.
He had shiny brand-new shoes on his feet and his hair was slicked back.

"No the league isn't nearly this smart, or intentional."
Mai mumbled.

"Wow, Flattery? That certainly is unexpected."
Keiji mused.

"There shouldn't be anything flattering about being a villain."
Kirishima said with a one eyed glare.

Bakugou yelled after taking in a deep breath.

"And why would I do that?"
Keiji asked with a raised eyebrow.


"You know I didn't want you here in the first place, you're completely disposable to me. So if I were you I'd be on my very best behavior because if anyone is going to be sent to hell tonight it's you."
Keiji said, he spoke slowly. Calmly, like he was speaking to a young child.

While Bakugou wasn't a coward he also wasn't an idoit. So he decided to keep quiet for the moment.

"The league is a group of unorganized bafoons, the only reason I didn't wipe them out after they "killed" you was because they do a fantastic job distracting those idiotic pro heroes that you call your teachers."
He stated with his hands clasped behind his back, walking slowly towards Mai.
"The biggest pity is what they did to your eyes."
He said reaching forward and brushing Mai's scar.
Kirishima jerked on his restraints when he saw him touch his girl, but didn't say anything because he figured he was in the same position as Bakugou.

She flinched away and turned her head from his touch. He hummed to himself and lowered his hand.
"Don't touch me."
Mai hissed with a fierce glare.

"I don't think you're in the position to be making demands sweetheart."
Keiji said and Mai's glare faltered for only a moment.
She was scared.

Because he was right.

She was extremely vulnerable right now and she hated it.

"I really did miss you. After those brutes took you away from me."
He whispered.

"Let them go Keiji, you want me not them."
Mai pleaded.

"Oh Mai Haven't you learned? You're not allowed to have friends."
He said, he ruffled her hair gently and Mai just flinched.

"Oi don't touch her!"
Kirishima finally yelled after attempting to hold his tounge out of self preservation.

"Don't Kiri. Please."
Mai mumbled, pressing her lips together.
Kirishima hesitated with tears in his eye.

"Listen to her Kiri. Don't be the reason she loses another friend."
Keiji said.

"Shut up."
Mai snapped.

"A pity about that boy, but I was only protecting you."
Keiji told Mai, pulling his hand away.

"What... What do you mean?"
Mai asked and Keiji smiled.

"Well you didn't really think he died on his own did you? Let's say I made sure he was a little slower that day..."
He admitted and Mai's eyes widened as she took in a shaky breath.

"Oh don't give me that look. I did what I had too."

"You... You killed him?!"
Mai whimpered.
"Because of me?"

"Well... Yes, or no, I mean technically The blood witch killed him. I just made sure it would happen."
He shrugged.
"I didn't expect you to kill her like that though. Did you know your friend actually ripped out someone's heart?! It was amazing."
He said to Kirishima and Bakugou.

"Of course they know, they fucking saw it. You made sure of that."
Mai said.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that little clip I showed them. Well dear they did deserve to know didn't they?"
He asked and Mai turned her head away.

"But you definitely surprised me with your little interview, you've always been unpredictable Just like..."
He stopped and glanced at the two boys on the wall.

"Just like what?"
Mai questioned

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