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"Okay! Okay before you say anything listen!"
Kirishima pleaded as Mai stared at him.
"I know it's werid! I know! But I can't help it!"

Mai groaned.
It was early, Mai waited to confront the "boy sleeping infront of her door that Eri stepped on" until both her and Eri had calmed down and fallen asleep.
Eri was snoozing in Mais bed and Mai was standing over Kirishima, who she found laying in the hallway with his jacket over him like a blanket.
"Kirishima come on."
Mai said after her groaning.

"I'm sorry! I was just... I was just going to see you but saw the cameras and remembered I couldn't so-"

"So you layed down and slept in the hallway?! On the floor in. the. hallway."
Mai said and he looked down in shame.
"This is a problem."

"I know... I know..."

"Come on."
She said walking down the hall.

Kirishima jumped up and ran after her, half his hair smashed against his head and sticking up in a odd way.
"Where are you going."

"I'm taking you to nezu's office so he can fix you."
Mai said grabbing his arm and pilling him.

"Fix me?! B-but I'm just worried! I'm worried for you! You shouldn't be worried for me!"
He argued.

"Okay, then if it motivates you, waking up to someone who you still don't know very well sleeping in the hallway by your door is very freaky. I know you don't want me to think you're a creep... But you're kinda acting like a creep."
Mai said pushing him into an elevator and clicking the first floor.

It was around six in the morning so Nezu was probably awake. Mai wasn't convinced he even actually slept.

"I'm sorry..."
Kirishima's said hanging his head.
Mai knew he was genuinely sorry about this. He just needed help, he probably had a lot of lasting trauma from Mai's death and so did a lot of her other classmates probably.

Even though logically it wasn't her fault she still felt guilty. Kirishima had an odd attachment to her and feared that her life was constantly in danger.
"Just come on."


Alarms blared through class 1-A's classroom as a training exercise began. The students were required to suit up and fight against fictional terrorists at ground beta.

And Mai was one of them.
"A terrorist?"
Mai's asked Aizawa blandly about five minutes before the alarm ever went off.
"You pulled me out of school to pretend to be a terrorist?"

"Is that a problem?"
The tired man asked and she shrugged.

She was wearing her black mask and a sport's bra paired with the pants of the UA standard training outfits.
Mai's hero costume was ripped and stained badly in her last fight, it was then repaired and she was buried in it.
A traditional burial for pro heros that died in combat. Meaning it was most likely in Antarctica right now with Alma and Aphrodite.

So Mai had to wear what she was given.

"We've told the thirdyear students you'll be working with about... Well about you. But they're trust worthy enough."
He said referencing the thirdyears already spread through the fake city.

"Alright, is Mirio one of them?"
She asked wondering if she'd find any of her teammates familiar.

"Yes, he'll be playing a drowning bystander though."
Aizawa informed.
"All you'll need to do is destroy buildings and eventually fight the heroes. Don't hold back."
He said and then thought better of it.
"Well actually hold back a little bit, don't-"

"I won't kill them Aizawa."
Mai said glaring at him.

"Alright, I'm sorry."
He said.
"Well I'm going to go get those idiots, destroy some buildings. Just make sure no one is underneath them."

"Aye aye captain."
She said walking through the city.
'Destroy buildings huh?'
She thought touching the side of a building.
'Easy peasy.'

She walked to a building that had a power line connected to it.
She'd never taken energy from something like this but hey, what's the worse that could happen?

She did everything she could to rip it apart.
Once she'd had her full of the electric energy she walked to a very tall building.
All she had to do was find the parts that bared the most weight and break them.

Then get the fuck outta there so she doesn't die. Again.


"There's someone by the river, possibly a pedestrian! And there's a building half down close by-"
Jirou relayed, most of the information was gathered by Kouda, but the boy was too shy to say it over the comms to their classmates.

Midoriya screamed over the comms when a building started to slowly tilt to the side, towards his classmates.

"Deku! What's happening over there?!"
Shoji asked from his position away from the group. Him, Jirou and Kouda were hidden on a building farther away from their classmates, but he could see the tallest building as it tilted.

The sound of screeching metal and crumbling cinderblocks echoed through Jirou's ears and caused her to draw her aux cords back in pain.

"It's fine! Everyone is out of it's range now but that was close."
Midoriya said into the earpiece.

"Do you think it's an actual person? Or someone setting off bombs?"
Uraraka asked her group.

"Well they could be doing from a distance, but we should address this situation like we would a real attack."
Todoroki observed.

"But there's so much going on!"
Denki panicked.

"We should split up! Some of us rescue the civilian! Others go to the base of the destroyed building and the rest patrol the city to catch any stay villains!!"
Iida said chopping the air.

"You're right, we should strategically assign-"

Bakugou walked off dragging Kaminari with him. Kirishima scurried after his friend.
"Wait! Bakubro! Where are you going! You can't leave-"

"I'm going to that building to beat the shit outta a villain."
Bakugou said and Kirishima nodded.

He said following.

It wasn't "strategic" but the class allowed that small group to protect that area. Not like they could actually stop Bakugou when he set his mind to something.

Angels (book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora