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Honestly I didn't know which way this was going at first lol.
I was looking at the mha arcs and realized I'd forgotten this episode.
And I thought:

"Oh that would be a fun SHORT chapter to write"

But I was wrong.
Mai vs One A needed to happen eventually, I just didn't think it would be so soon.



Mai knew that she had to be smart about this.
She probably couldn't fight all twenty of them at once, especially not with Midoriya and Momo's strategy. Plus her teammates might still be out there on her side.

So her best bet was beating them small groups at a time, meaning she couldn't let Ami and Sero get to the bigger group.

So first take care of them, then find a way to shut off their communication. Then take out the lookouts, who might already be onto her.

Mai climbed up stairs until she got to the roof and jumped from it to the people below. An attack from above.
Sero saw it first.
He spun and shot his tape in the air, Mai used the sunlight to her advantage. She couldn't see it, but she felt it beaming on her neck, meaning it was directly above them.
It's blinding rays made Sero's aim off as he tried to tape the newcomer that he still couldn't identify.

White dots danced in his vision as he tired to look at what was currently just a black outline with the sun behind it.

Ami yelled looking up, she couldn't attack because carrying the three boys hurt her stamina. If she used her quirk she'd have to put them down and use the platform. She couldn't help but think if she'd practiced harder earlier then her stamina could've been stronger.

Mai made a knife and sliced through Sero's tape. A small amount wrapped around her arms but she used it to pull herself directly towards Sero.
She cut his cheek and knocked him out easily.
"Wait! Mai!? You're the one who knocked out the others."
Ami asked putting the boys down gently and pulling the large amount of chocolate to surround her in it's liquid form.

Mai answered before charging forward.

"I know you're better! But I'm still going to try my hardest!!"
Ami yelled launching chocolate spears at Mai.
She dodged easily and kept going.
Ami called the chocolate back and tried to attack from behind. Mai transformed her small knife into a staff, blocking the new attack.
Ami separated the spear into several much smaller ones and attacked with a move inspired by the pro hero "hawks"

"Chocolate hurricane!!"
She cried out and Mai cringed at the corny phrase. It wasn't anything against Ami in particular, it was the yelling of  "ultimate moves" that annoyed her in general.

She once again thanked Alma and Aph for throwing rocks at her as training. She spun her staff and hit as many of them as she could, only getting hit a few times.
Ami tried a different approach and softened all of them into liquid, spinning them around Mai.
"Snow globe cage!"
She tired again.

You see not only were the names cringey, but they also helped your opponent guess your next move. 'Snow globe' told Mai that Ami was going to trap her in a globe of chocolate.
Mai created her own sphere shield from her energy supply, it went under the chocolate right as it hardened.
Then the warm shield expanded away from Mai, and broke the "snow globe cage" freeing Mai.

Mai swung in the direction she assumed Ami was by the sound of her panting. Off by only a few inches. She turned and kicked, this time hitting her in the gut. Ami used chocolate to catch Mai's next hit but tripped over Sero and landed on her ass.
"You have great potential, But you still lack experience. I look forward to fighting you again."
Mai said simply before knocking her out.


"Has anyone seen Ren and Sero since they left?!"
Iida asked doing yet another head count.

"No, they went to check out that explosion. So they're probably with Bakugou and the others!"
Mina said.

"Alright! Someone try to comm them, see if they know about the remaining villains."
Midoriya suggested.

Mai heard the beeping of Ami's small earpiece and picked it up, holding it against her own pointed ear.

"Ami, Sero! hello are you guys there? We've caught all the villains here and rescued miri- I mean the civilian! Where are you guys?"
Midoriya's voice came out and Mai knew it was only a matter of time before the others moved as a group in her direction.

She moved into a building, taking Ami's earpiece with her so she would know exactly what they were doing.

"Jirou come in? Do you know the location of Kacchan and his group?"
He asked trying to get ahold of someone else.

"Negative, last we saw they walked behind the rubble of that building that fell down. Shouji's view is blocked."
Jirou responded.
"But we did see that big explosion a few minutes ago, they might still be there. Is everything alright?"

Midoriya stood there thinking, what's going on? Could they be fighting all of Mirio's class? That would make sense. Why would they only pull the big three out? But if that's true his friends are probably in trouble.
"I don't know, have you seen any-"

Mai kicked part of the tallest cell tower in the city, it easily crumbled off the building it sat on and fell.
All communication came to a screeching halt.
As she suspected, to make training realistic the communication tower would be accessible to either side, meaning she could shut them down easily.

"What? Jirou! Come in did you hear me-"
Midoriya yelled into his earpiece.

"I think that tower was the source of our communication, ribbit. That's a problem."
Tsu observed and Midoriya frowned.
Obviously the training was only just beginning. Bakugou and his group were missing, the last sign of them was the explosion earlier. He's been silent since then.
And Bakugou was never silent.

"I think we're facing a lot more villains throughout the city. They probably got Kacchan and the others already."
Midoriya said to the group.

Hado looked over at Mirio in question. The big three knew there was only one other person out there. But they sure as hell weren't going to say anything.

This is me trying to remember who is there and hasn't been taken out yet so I don't have to reread the other chapters.

A/n:This is me trying to remember who is there and hasn't been taken out yet so I don't have to reread the other chapters

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Peek me poorly editing Shinsou in👀
Also Satou just... Doesn't exist ig, I've never written him in lol and Mai was in seat 10 in the first book.
So ig the original class just had 19?🤔

Doesn't make sense but whatever, we are wayyyyy past that now

Also I don't have a picture of Ami so Im just using Mineta's face rn¯\_()_/¯

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