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They got to the base of the building and Kaminari parked their newly acquired car.

"You know I'm kinda bummed."
Kaminari complained.

Kirishima asked as Kaminari shut off the car and Bakugou walked a little ways ahead.

"Well they said Mai would be doing training with us... You know how much easier this would be if she was here?!"
He whined.

"Yeah, too bad she isn't involved in this exercise..."
Kirishima said wistfully, thinking about Mai.
He wanted her to be here! With him.

"Don't be so sure idiots."
Bakugou said after walking around the destroyed building. He'd scanning the entire base and there was no sign of explosions.


"This building wasn't knocked down with explosives, there's no sign of burning. Usually there'd be blackened areas where they went off, but there's nothing."
Bakugou said walking back to the car.

Denki had a bad feeling.
"W-what exactly are you saying bro?"
He said though even he had started to put it together.

"I mean this building was destroyed with brute force, and there are only a few people strong enough to do that."
Bakugou said narrowing his eyes as he looked everywhere for his blind opponent.

"No! No no no! What did we even do?! Why do our teachers hate us so much?!"
Kaminari cried.

"Shut the hell up."
Bakugou hushed as he felt someone familiar.
A wave of heat. A wave that brushed over him from the opposite direction that the wind was blowing from and made the hairs on his neck stand on end.
A cool breeze came from his right, and a warm wave came from his left.

He didn't know the details of it but he felt the same thing several times in that building when Mai saved him. She produced weird waves now. He had a few ideas on why but none of them were confirmed.

"There's no way we'll win against her!"
Kaminari said shaking Kirishima.
"Let's get outta here! Let's get in the car and just drive-"

"You're taking this well."
A new voice said from the top of a building.
Mai had been there for the entire thing, listening and assessing the situation.

Three opponents: Bakugou who's quirk wasn't completely known but it involved a Chemical that made his sweat smell odd, and he seemed smart from how he figured out she was here.

Kirishima, who already told her his quirk. His weakness was probably Mai. He wouldn't want to hurt her, which was a problem.

And Kaminari who's quirk would actually be useless against her. But he didn't know that yet. Mai hadn't mentioned her new ability yet, and they didn't ask.
She'll have to explain it later.

Kaminari screeched and hid behind Kirishima.
Mai was his friend, but he was still terrified of actually facing her in combat.

"Alright then... LET'S DO THIS!!!"
Bakugou yelled powering up his explosions.
Mai might be his friend, but he still desperately wanted to beat her.
He screamed launching himself into the air.

Kirishima stated to argue.
Who was he kidding? Mai was probably the toughest person he knew! Nezu was right, he was going crazy.

Mai was gone, practically vanished.
One second she was on the building and the next she wasn't. Kirishima felt something hard against his side and then fell to the side.
Kaminari tried to warn him but it was too late.
Kirishima stumbled to the side and turned just in time to block her next attack.

His arms crossed infront of his face to prevent her from landing a solid blow.
"H-hey wait-"
She hit him again, throwing blow after blow. Her quirk wasn't at it's height and it didn't need to be yet.
She was trying to prove a point.

She kicked him and made him fly backwards, and she ran after him, immediately throwing another punch. It landed square on his jaw with force that could knock him out if she hit the right spot.
If not for his quirk she would've broken his jaw.

Bakugou jumped back into her range and prepared for another explosion.
He screamed and she smirked.
'1... 2... 3!'
She jumped and he fired, hitting not her. But both Kirishima and Kaminari.

Right when she was starting to lose energy a small disk shot from Kaminari's device and hit her on the chest.
His electricity flew in a perfect line right to her body.

Mai fell to the ground and decided to play dead. Kirishima gasped and walked forward while Kaminari followed, mummering something about that being "to easy."

Bakugou attempt to warn them was too late and Kirishima was kicked in the gut as Mai flipped herself back to her feet with renewed energy.

"N-no way you actually-"
Kaminari was punched in the jaw and knocked out, he didn't have rock skin to block the blow.
He'd probably walk away with a concussion and a major headache.

He said die a lot while fighting and this time he briefly regretted it. Because he didn't actually want Mai to die. Again.
He aimed at her and this time she didn't dodge. It hit her square in the stomach and she flew backwards into a building.

'Damn it.'
She thought, she was getting bored of his explosions. Obviously they were caused by whatever chemical was in his sweat.

She charged at him, a new plan in mind.
She'd never done this before, meaning the chance of failure was higher than usual.

He put both his plans forward with a grin and she returned it. She grabbed his hands, they were burning hot and soaked through with sweat, likely a special very absorbent fabric.
His smile dropped, why would she do that? She had both of his hands in her own her fingers laced between his own. He set off a few explosions directly into her palms and she clinched her jaw.

It wasn't different from creating items out of her energy, this time she created fire. Praying that his sweat was as flammable as it seemed.
Bakugou's eyes widened when both their fists were covered with golden flames and then...

He exploded.

Explosions rippled from his hands up his arms and over his back and chest, they popped from his forehead and every part that was covered in his sweat.
Mai jumped back, wings out.
She used power of the explosions to blow her back like wind caught in a sail.

Bakugou was forced to produce the biggest uncontrolled explosion he'd ever made.
Mai still was burnt, especially on her hands. Most of the skin on them had second and third degree burns.
She eventually landed with a thud and took a few moments to wait out the booms from Bakugou's remaining explosions.

Little did she know it was so massive that a few more students broke off to come help. Everyone in the cityscape and the teachers beyond saw it and grew concerned.

Mai slowly stood up and limped to where Bakugou was laying, he wasn't dead thank God. Just out cold and slightly singed. Most of his hero costume was falling apart as well.

"Is he-"
Kirishima was cut short with another hit.
He was still Mai's opponent and had briefly forgotten it.

"Fight me damnit!"
Mai yelled kicking him again, Kirishima blocked but didn't counter.
"I'm not gonna fall apart or some shit alright?!"
She said briefly halting, taking a deep breath and adjusting her stance.

Kirishima couldn't think, not only was his head hurting. But Mai was yelling at him.
In a sports bra.
He didn't want to be a pervert but he had to admit she looked good. He couldn't hit her! He loved her-

She punched him again, and again.
"Do it!"
She yelled and he fell backwards.

She sounded a lot like Bakugou right now. But Kirishima looked up and saw it as a good thing.
Because anger was an emotion and Mai was showing it clearly. She was mad at him, she was fighting him, she was beating the everliving shit out of him.

It was awesome.

He jumped up and punched her, right across the face.

And she smiled.

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