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The training robes on Mai's body were loose and airy as she stood on the balcony.
"Is this a good idea?"
She asked leaned forward like she could see what was below her.

"Good? Nah, but it will probably work!"
Aph said and the sound of a slap was heard.

"Shut up for once! Yes it's a great idea! Plus there's a pool under you and we are only three stories up! You'll live even if your wings Don't com out."
Alma said and Mai shook her head.
This definitely didn't feel like a good idea.

They didn't know what it's like, not seeing.
Mai would be hanging in the air before touching water. The only feeling would be air rushing past her.

Even if she could use her wings could she actually fly well? She wouldn't be able to see obstacles.

"Do a backflip on your way down!"
Aphrodite shouted and Alma gave her look that said 'Shut up or die' and it only made Aphrodite even more smug.

"Go on now."
Alma encouraged.
"Don't make me push you!"

"Not helping!"
Mai snapped and sighed.
"You swear there's a pool?"
She asked and Alma laughed.

"Why would I lie?"
She chuckled.
"If I wanted you dead I would have left you that way."

Mai shrugged.
'Thats true. But it doesn't make me feel better.'
She thought before taking in a long breath.
She bent her knees and pushed forward.

Her body fell to the ground as gravity took over, the wind rushed past her ears and prevented her from using it to identify her surroundings. Adrenaline pumped through her golden veins and the breath was pulled from her lungs.
Her body twisted in the air as she gasped for air. Milky bind eyes wide and her mouth snapped closed. She spread her arms and legs, trying to slow her fall and then finally wings ripped through her back.

Her robes had a hole on her back that let the wings spring open without ripping her clothes.
The wings spread and white feathers fell to the ground as Mai shot up instead of falling.
He body suspended in air as she flapped her wings slowly and stayed in one area.

She heard whooping from the side as Alma clapped her hands.
Aphrodite asked thinking through the spell she used to resurrect the girl.
"Where the fuck did feathers come from?"
She whispered to herself as Alma called to the flying girl.


Deku put his head in his hands as he was driven back from the hospital.
Eri was safe. Nighteye was dead, Mirio was quirkless and now overhaul was going to jail.

He was going back to the dorms and now was allowed to speak to his friends about what happened at the work studies.
But he didn't want to, he wanted to see Eri. Make sure she was actually alright.

Something about her reminded him of Mai.
Being forced to go through something like that at such a young age, being separated from the world for no reason other than the selfishness of others. Having the possibility of a normal life taken before you could even understand what it was.

It wasn't fair for people like them. Those were the people he wanted to protect.
A few months ago, when he first joined UA to because a hero. He was only thinking about the civilians that are attacked while going about their normal lives. The people with average lives that are only occasionally effected by random villains.
He only thought about the villains that attack the streets in broad daylight and punch buildings. The kind All Might fought.

But now it was clear that there were a lot of different villains that were much more dangerous then them.
Overhaul and the Yakuza who could stay hidden while torturing a innocent child.
All for one who was the most dangerous man alive that hid behind the league and shiggaraki.

And Amaya Keiji who ran an underground arena where thousands of people died, and hundreds remained haunted by their experiences.
People like Mai, children like Mai.

And he was still in hiding.

These were the type of villains that didn't even do anything on their own. The type that hid behind others and made the do their dirty work. They were the villains Midoriya wanted to take down.

The people who were stuck suffering quietly underground were the people he wanted to save.


Shiggaraki smiled at the ash stuck to his fingers. It was the only thing from overhaul's arms that remained. The dry grey powder attached to his fingers was the remnants of the only thing Overhaul could use to activate his quirk and now it was nothing but dust on his fingers.

He thought looking at his hands.
'He was a pathetic bug that I got rid of.'

He walked to the wall that the magazine cover hung from. It also had a written out plan and a picture of All might that shiggaraki took pleasure in defacing.
He smudged the dust over the image of the hero. His eyes had been scratched out already and several tacks pierced his heart.

"Not so shiny now huh hero."
He whispered frantically covering All Might's face with soot.
"I'll take care of you next, I promise."


Steps echoed through the hallway and a UA student walked to their dorm.
They sat at their computer and typed in the daily message.
Nothings changed, no report.

They'd been sending that in message since after Mai's death. Nothing new, they sent the location of the funeral and the time and details of the death and got no reply.
'Well not much has been going on. But it might make the man angry.'
They shrugged.
'Not much I can do right now. I'm not even sure I have a purpose here...'

A ding sounded and slowly text stared to appear.
No somethings different, look out for changes.

The student scoffed.
'Whats that supposed to even mean?'

Yes sir.
They typed obediently.
It wasn't their place to ask questions that wouldn't be answered, they're family was being paid a hefty sum weekly to simply report what's been going on in UA and frankly they needed it. Plus it's not like this information wasn't public, their lives were basically public information anyways.

So There's no harm in it right?

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