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Kirishima felt nervous and fidgety.
Every second he was away from Mai made him nervous.

Because what it something happened? What if she was taken away from him again? He wouldn't be able to live through something like that again. He didn't want to live without her.

His leg jiggled under his desk as he stared intently at the clock waiting for the final class to end.
He'd been on edge since Aizawa burst into recovery girl's office and literally drug him away from her. He swore he had a bruise on his arm from when the teacher wrestled him away from Mai who kinda just sat there.

But Aizawa also had a bruise on his chin from when Kirishima accidentally swung his hand back and hit his teacher. After that he was taken to Nezu and then given detention fro hitting his teacher and trying to skip classes.

Tomorrow he'd have to spend even more time away from Mai and he hated it.
He was scared that she'd leave or that she'd die again or that none of this actually happened and he was going insane.
Like as long as he was with Mai he knew she was real.

He knew this mindset wasn't healthy and he should probably talk to someone. But he knew that they'd probably encourage him to spend less time with her to get used to not having her close and he definitely didn't want that.

Fuck his mental health, he wanted to keep Mai safe.


'She didn't die. She didn't die. She didn't die.'
Iida mentally repeated to himself.
He was happy about this fact but also scared to death. He didn't want to have to look at her.

To look at the scars that blinded her and he wasn't sure why. She was his friend and classmate.
But the image of her dead was burned into his mind.

Maybe he was wrong and seeing her alive wouldn't hurt him at all.
But he was scared.

All he could see was her broken body bleeding over ice next to Nomu corpses.


Uraraka's never ending feeling of pure guilt had somewhat come to a halt.
She'd spent all her time since the beginning of the school year hating Mai until she died.

She fucking died.

In the most honourable and righteous way possible.
Uraraka was a jerk, and everyone knew it. They must hate her. She knew Bakugou did.

And definitely she deserved it.

But maybe... Just maybe she could redeem herself. She could befriend Mai and maybe once she got he memories she could apologize.

Maybe just maybe she could make it right.


Mai was awesome.
Unbelievably amazing and there was no humanly possible way for Ami to ever compete with her.
Mai was stronger, prettier, kinder and significantly more fit than Ami.

Not to mention the fact that Kirishima was already in love with her.

Ami tried to ignore her breaking heart for Kirishima. He was a nice guy and didn't want Ami to get hurt.
But she was hurt. She was very very hurt.
She had held out hope that one day he'd move on from Mai and realize that Ami would be a wonderful rebound.

That was her hope. If not his first choice than at least his second.
But she knew now that Kirishima and Mai would live happily ever after she'd have to just deal with it.

Mainly because the likelyhood of Mai dying young again was slim.

'Not that I want that to happen! She deserves happiness! It's just that her dying is the only way I ever stood a chance...'


Kirishima wasn't even thinking of Ami. His only thoughts were of Mai.
And he wouldn't think of Ami for awhile.


'Alright so that's a big change... But should I report it?'
Another student thought.
'He said he thought something would change... So did he already know? If that's the case there's no harm right?

But Mai's been through a lot and the teachers said anyone that leaked information on her being alive would be expelled...

Well I actually probably would be expelled for leaking any of the information I've been sending so that would make much of a difference...

Except it would endanger her... But she's tough and literally survived death so maybe it'll barely effect her...'

Their thoughts looped around and around as they considered the situation.

I hate to say this but I'm totally in a writing slump... I think it'll pass but I also don't have a lot of time to write...

Well sorry about that updates will be fewer but I promise I'm not giving up!

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