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"And as for our two transfers from the general courses you are in no danger of being transferred again."
Nezu concluded.

Shinsou shook his head, dream or not he was in Mai's seat and would leave in a second for her.
"No, transfer me out-"

"As heroic as your offer is, I must once again state you won't be removed, both you and Ami show great potential. Mai will be given the same training as you but won't be in your class at the moment."
Nezu interrupted Shinsou's offer but took note of the outburst. He offered a spot in the hero course even though he worked so hard to get here and that showed a lot about his character.


Class continued as though any of the students where actually paying any attention.
Kirishima was practically shaking in his chair.
She was alive.
She was alive and here in this building.
She was here.

But no memory? That's okay! Yeah he could handle that! Plus Nezu said that she's been able to recognize names and such right? Like All Might and UA? So maybe she'll get her memories back.

"Kirishima what in heavens name is wrong? You're shaking your entire desk!"
Midnight asked from her spot up front.

Kaminari was about to blurt out how obviously excited Kirishima was but he interrupted.

"I gotta piss!"
He said shooting a glare at Kaminari.
"Really bad!"

'Give me a hall pass
Give me a hall pass
Give me a hall pass-'

"Well then for God's sake go! Don't hold it here!"
Midnight handed over a hall pass.

"Yes ma'am!"
He said with a bright smile.
Snatching the paper and running.

'Now where to recovery girl's office?'

Kirishima ran down the halls his heart soaring.
He felt as light as air and he ran at speeds he didn't even know he was capable of.
She was here he could almost feel it, after months of thinking she was dead she came back!

He got to recovery girl's office and threw the door open.

And there she was.

Right there sitting on one of the beds.

Her hair short and eyes blind.

But it was her.

The girl that he fucking loved back from the dead, sitting infront of him.
She tilted her her head and Kirishima felt some sort of warm breeze. Or maybe that was just nerves.

Mai sat waiting for the intruder to say something and identify themselves but Kirishima was in a state of shock and pure joy.

He took a step forward and Mai frowned attempting to identify the new person. It wasn't recovery girl, that woman was much shorter and smelled like prunes.

But it wasn't All Might, Eraserhead or Nezu either. The new comer wasn't an adult or a rat.

She said trying to get them to speak but Kirishima was utterly speechless. She was so beautiful sitting there.

The window behind her let in sunlight that surrounded her with golden light making her look absolutely angelic. Her scarred eyes had a ethereal beauty to them that he found stunning.

Mai tilted her head in distrust as he walked closer to her until her was only a step away.
He reached out to touch her. To hold her. To probably cry but she stopped him with a hand.

Her slinder scarred hand kept his chest at arms length away. Her head wasn't even facing his direction but her ear was as she tried to use her other senses to the best of their abilities.
She ordered, sure she knew that there were several people that knew her even though she didn't know them anymore and this could very well be one of them.
But she required at least an introduction before they hugged her.

"Who are you?"
She asked and Kirishima was broken out of his blissful state.
Right, no memory.

"I-I'm Kiri- Kiri- Kirishima."
He stuttered, why was speaking so hard right now? He could barely say his name let alone everything about them.

But maybe that's a good thing.
Mai didn't remember him and now that he was thinking about it... Him, a complete stranger claiming that they were in love was creepy and also very unbelievable.
Kirishima's eyes widened.

Incredibly unbelievable actually. He had absolute no proof and they had conveniently decided to keep it a secret so if she even asked anyone they'd tell her...

That they were not in a relationship but He had a huge... Crush on her...

Yeah that would land him right into the creep department. If he knew Mai.... He knew she didn't trust easily so if he did anything to freak her out in the first few minutes of her meeting him.
He'd definitely be single for life.


"Sorry we- we were friends."
He said his hand wrapping around hers on his chest.
"We are friends..."
He whispered and Mai nodded.

She said letting her guard down.
She recognized his voice.

"You're the guy from earlier, the first one I got out?"
She asked and he nodded.

"Y-yeah, thanks..."
He couldn't stop himself anymore. He era his arms around her and leaned over the bed.
"Thank you for everything Mai."
He whispered into her short hair.

She inhaled sharply and stiffened at the sudden contact. His left hand wrapped around her waist and his other held the back of her head.
She relaxed into him after a few moments and cautiously wrapped her own arms around him and hugged him back.
"Y-you're welcome?"

He leaned forward and put his knee on the bed beside her to keep from falling to far forward.

He held her tightly and set his forehead against her neck and breathed in and out slowly.
She was here. She was here.
After months of thinking she was dead he was holding his girl.

She was alive and breathing.

Tears began to slip out and he hid his face in her shirt as his tears fell onto her.


So to explain his mindset, Kirishima believes that at first he shouldn't mention their relationship because she doesn't remember him or anything.

He can imagine how creepy it would be if someone you veiwed as a stranger comes up and says you were once in love with him and you should start dating.

He also sees that even if he did say that honestly he wouldn't have any proof to back it up.

He's currently content to be her friend and prioritize her recovery over their relationship.

Any Questions?

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