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All Might closed his eyes. Bracing himself for the feeling of a bullet tearing through his head.
But it didn't come.

He opened his eyes to see someone standing infront of him. They were wearing a cloak that covered them from head to toe.
One hand was on the gun that had been pointed upwards, shooting a hole through the roof.

They swung their leg and kicked Shiggaraki in the gut, causing him to fly through the air into the wall.
This was the type of dramatic scene where music played in the background as the hero saved the victim in the nick of time.
The the hero would say something proudly to announce that it was fine. That they were here to protect them.

But that didn't happen.
"Damn that was close."
Mai whispered.

She'd gotten here less than a minute ago, she'd appeared behind the villains but needed time to figure out who she was supposed to attack.
But when some crusty bitch put a gun to someone's head she pretty much figured it out.

Shiggaraki slowly stood up and the rest of the villains put their Guard up. Waiting to recognize the hero in front of them.
But the didn't. No one could identify the cloaked figure.

They bring their hand up and the sound of a yawn came from the cloak.
"Sorry... I just woke up."
She explained groggily walking forward.

Mai identified twenty two people tied up and one child being held by a villain.
At the moment Mai realized she was the only one in immediate danger.

"Who the hell are you..."
Shiggaraki said holding his gut.

Mai groaned.
"Why does that matter?! I'm just here to kick your ass."
She said with a smirk.

"Oh really-"

Mai ignored Shigaraki for now, she still has the gun so he couldn't shoot her but who knew what his quirk was.
She Punched Dabi across the face and grabbed Eri, jumping away from the villains.
She landed and knifes flew through the air.

She silently thanked Aphrodite for throwing rocks at her as training while she ducked and dodged the blades, holding Eri tightly.

A boy yelled and Mai sent an energy wave.
The first villain was lunging towards the frail man he tried to shoot earlier.
She pointed the gun a few inches from where his right knee was earlier and pulled the trigger, hopefully it hit him.

A grunt and thud told her she succeeded and hit her target or at least close to it.
The knifes stopped meaning the villain throwing them ran out of ammunition.

"Watch out!"
A girl screamed and Mai felt a wave of overwhelming heat behind her.

What is fire?

Fire is the visible effect of the process of combustion – a special type of chemical reaction. It occurs between oxygen in the air and some sort of fuel.

But a lot of energy is needed to create the heat and light.

Meaning like a human, Or a tree, or even a blade of grass.
Mai can harness it.

She dropped Eri and turned placing herself between her and the roaring wave of blue fire coming from a single scarred man.
She dropped her Cloak so it wouldn't catch fire and put out her hand.
'Fuck I hope this works.'
She thought as the flame touched her finger.

The fames flew up and gold erupted from the previously blue fire as Mai took control.
Like a beautiful storm of fire it swirled up and disappeared.

Mai took a breath and brought her hand back.
Unfortunately it had been burned slightly.
Blisters formed on her fingers and palm from the heat.

The scarred man whispered as he stared up at the smoking ceiling. That definitely wasn't what he expected would happen.
Infact it wasn't even close.

Eri looked up at the hero in front of her.
Mai had turned slightly one hand cradled in the other.
Her tail was tucked in her baggy pants to keep out of the way during combat. Her horns barely peeking out if her ruffled bed head.
Bandages covering her eyes.

Mai dropped her hand and bent down.
"You okay?"
She asked Eri who nodded.
The girl then noticed the tilt of her head and how she wasn't even facing her direction.
Eri whispered when she realized the hero couldn't see her nodding.

"Come here."
Mai grabbed Eri and put her in her hip.
Since she couldn't see she would have no way of knowing if Eri was in danger or not. The only way to make sure no one attacked the kid was to hold her while fighting.
"Hold on tight."

Eri complied and attached herself to Mai like a spider monkey. Wrapping both her arms and her legs around Mai tightly and hiding her face.

"Alright, this shouldn't take long."
Mai said running.

Bringing a child into combat would be frowned upon by pretty much anyone but Mai didn't have much of a choice.
She couldn't be two places at once.

Or even see two places at once. She couldn't protect Eri and fight when Eri was in a separate location. Even putting Eri on her back was risky because the villains had numbers and could surround her easily.

First things first.
Fire guy.
She knew his quirk and knew it was probably the biggest threat so she had to take him down first.

With one arm around Eri and the other one immediately punching the man Mai had to take advantage of every card she could play.
Her wings released themselves to help her keep her balance and quickly retreat.

Then she turned and cut him with one nail.
Once his skin was broken by Mai's hand she was able to drain him of energy. Only leaving enough for him to live.
He collapsed and Mai moved on.

She had too once again kick away the man she now assumed was the leader.
She was saving him for last because of his status but still had to prevent him from killing anyone.

Now the lizard guy.
His swords were definitely a problem.
Mai couldn't afford close contact fighting with Eri so she opened her burnt hand.
Beams of light created from Dabi's stolen energy shot out and whizzed in his direction.

"The HELL-"
He yelled hitting them with his swords only for them to dodge and go for the only opening Mai could find.
He screamed as the needle pierced his eye leaving him half blind much like his father.

The needles came back to Mai's side right as Toga ran towards them.
She kept to the air and avoided any attack that would put Eri in danger.

She considered releasing the heros to help but that would make things significantly more difficult for her.
If too many people flooded the battlefield she would become too confused to tell who was an enemy and who wasn't.

So she kept at it on her own.
Toga jumped at her but Mai jumped backwards. This continued as the two fell into what felt like a twisted dance. Even Toga hummed as she twirled around chasing Mai with her blade.
"I like you! You have pretty scars~"
The girl giggled lunging forward with her knife expecting Mai to dodge again.

But she didn't, she waited for Toga to adjust to the pattern of Mai retreating before switching to offence and grabbing Toga's arm.

Flipping someone over your shoulder usually requires both arms but Mai didn't have that luxury at the moment so had to use only one.
She took Toga's knife and cut her arm quickly and draining her energy.

A voice echoed as three identical people rushed towards Mai and Eri.
Along with a marble that soon turned into a giant rock.


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