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Mai didn't know which to do first, track down Amaya or find Jirou and make sure she's alright like she promised Kaminari.
Either way the best place to find a lead is the police office.

She knew that UA and her class had been looking for her, and likely Jirou as well. So if they have made any progress then the information would likely be there. She'd sneak in and take that information.

Then she could make her decision.
Amaya or Jirou.

She left the bakery that apparently belonged to a woman that was probably Mai's new found grandmother. Mai just met her, possibly the last family member she had besides her insane uncle Amaya. Mai knew that she would protect the old woman with her life, no matter what it took she'd make sure she would never be harmed.
But she couldn't stay there.

Mai sat on top of a building across from the office that was her target, she could also see her grandma closing up her store as night began to fall upon Japan.

She watched and waited for the perfect Moment to show itself.


UA's search for Mai Rika was cut short by the upcoming raid on the league of Villains, or rather the "Paranormal Liberation Front" as they are called after Tomura became the leader of a much more organized group.

The pros needed all hands on deck for this next fight, a fight that would shake Japan to it's core and began the crumbling of the unstable hero society.

It's odd, how in a super human world the impossible becomes merely a challenge for the human race. How things that the world assumed could never be possible become something people do for sport.

Rules of reality are easily broken by what they call "quirk science" and things you couldn't ever guess become incredibly predictable.
In a world where nothing is impossible.

Where dead hearts beat.

And where memories that had faded into nothing are returned with a kiss.

Where evil is always one step ahead.

Where angels train heroes

Where heroes fall in love with Goddesses.

And where ghosts come alive.

This is the world of My hero academia.

This is the world of Mai Rika.

Angels (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now