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Class one-A beat class one-B.
Three to Two.
A glorious day for Mai's previous class. But that still didn't make Monoma and Vlad shut up, that seemed to be an Impossible feat.
Mai didn't think there was an actual "superior" class, and most of the other students seemed to agree with her.
But that wasn't important, because Mai was Tired and desperately needed a nap.

While she took one her classmates cooked up the perfect way to celebrate this victory.
Mina squealed in the command room, rallying the girls to her side.

"That's a great idea!"
Toru agreed immediately. UA didn't do normal school dances like prom of homecoming. But if students organized a dance they would put it on.

"But there isn't a good venue on campus and there's no way we'll be allowed to do it anywhere else."
Jirou argued.

"What about my mansion? There's plenty of space in our ballroom! And we have top notch security that rivals even UA's!"
Momo Yaoyorozu suggested, which they all agreed was actually a great idea.

The Yaoyorozu's had a good longstanding relationship with UA and happened to be one of their biggest sponsors.
"Would your parents be okay with it though?"
Uraraka asked.

"Of course! I'm sure they would be delighted to put it on!"
She said clapping.

"Omgoodness this will be so fun!!"
Mina cheered.

"Not to be a downer but we still have to talk to the staff about this right?"
Ami asked, raising her hand like a kid.

She was of course right, fortunately Nezu thought if was a wonderful idea. Though Mr and Mrs Yaoyorozu weren't as enthusiastic as their daughter about the idea of several teenagers running around in their home they eventually agreed.

They of course invited class one-B as well to be goodsports and set a close date for the event.
Giving them enough time to get their formal wear in order.

"Oh you've come to the right place darling!"
Miss Midnight said with a bright smile when Mai told her about her lack of formal attire.

"I'm regretting this already."
Mai mumbled rubbing her eyes.
"I really just want something simple."

"Oh you're no fun! But I do have something perfect for you! After my last surgery I can't quite fit in it the same way so you can keep it! I'm sure you'll look splendid!"
She said pulling a soft dress from her closet and handing it to Mai.


Green text spread across the screen of the private and possibly illegal chat, they were careful to make sure no one was looking at their phone over their shoulder.
"Dance at Yaoyorozu manor starting at 7pm JST."
The "traitor" informed whoever it was they were giving this information too.
They genuinely didn't know, but they assumed it wasn't a good person. Especially with all the trouble 1-A has had since the beginning.

But then again bad things have been happening no matter what. I mean they were kidnapped in their sleep and that had nothing to do with their secret conversations. The traitor really didn't think this was even the league, but they could be totally wrong.

They probably were totally wrong.

But with every useful message of information they were rewarded with a heafty sum. A sum that them and their parents needed a lot.


"You have to do it! Don't be a pussy man!"
Sero said nudging Kirishima.
This conversation was obviously about him asking Mai to be his date to this little dance.

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