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Introducing a new Arc! Y'all know that Mai was built for a vigilante Arc. I'm just unlocking her full potential as a character!

Also I'm obsessed with this song and I think it matches Mai and her mentality.

"Alright Eri."
Mai said awhile after Eri stopped crying.
"Now I need one more favor And you have to promise to follow my instructions."
Mai said and Eri rubbed her nose.

She said looking up at her friend. Mai's eyes looked less milky now, they were still a light grey but they were missing the white glaze Eri was used too.
Her scar was also significantly faded, still obviously there. But the skin wasn't as thick as new scar normally was.

"I'm trusting you to deliver these letters. But you HAVE to wait until the morning alright? Then you can tell them everything that happened tonight if you want.just wait until the sun rises."
Mai instructed.
"Do you understand?"

Eri hummed, giving Mai another tight hug.

Mai gave the kid a pat on the back.
"Behave yourself. Okay Eri?"
She said pulling back.



Eri ran from her dorm the moment she woke up from her troubled sleep.
She ran down the halls to look for someone, anyone to talk too. Mai said she could tell the story in the morning, and that's exactly what she was going to do.


Iida said, the entire class had jumped when they heard her yelling. Her small feet thumping on the ground as she ran.

Eri said running and wrapping her arms around one of the people she had to deliver the message too.

"Woah hey kiddo! What's wrong?"
Kaminari asked, still chewing his bacon and eggs. With Eri this reaction could mean either she was actually dying, or there was a cockroach in her room. So the class wasn't too worried yet.

"She left!!!! She could DIE!"
Eri shook him back and forth. Denki looked a little sad when she said that.

"Oh, you mean Jirou? No I'm sure she'll be okay-"

"No! Not her!! Maigi!!!"
Eri stomped her foot.
"You guys have to go get her now!"
She demanded.

"Oh is this a game? Is Maggie like a doll-"
Denki asked and Eri groaned.
Bakugou shoved Denki away.
"No, that's what she Calls Mai. What happened Eri? What are you talking about?"
Bakugou asked, getting to Eri's height.

"M-Maigi came into my room last night, I was kinda scared because there was storms and I heard yelling but it was just her.... T-then she told me she needed me to do stuff for her a-and I used my quirk of her eyes to make them all better! But then she wrote notes and had to leave!"
Eri shoved a piece of paper into Kaminari's hands and the stomped over to Kirishima, delivering one to him as well.
The letters were just colored construction paper bent in half with a piece of tape to keep them closed.

"Why didn't you tell us?!"
Bakugou asked as the others stared in shock.

"That was part of the favor! She said not to tell you all until the sun came up and it was morning! I promised!"

Bakugou groaned.

"No cursing Bakudou! Now I need to find the rat Man! Where is he?!"
Eri asked jumping up and down.

"You mean Nezu?"
Iida asked kneeling beside her.
She nodded and held up a yellow piece of paper.
"This is for him!"


Mai Sat on a building, looking over the city landscape. The light of a million rooms shined through the windows, lighting up the night.
Cars moved through traffic and people walked down the streets up to their own business.
Mai watched it all, absorbing ever sight and commiting it to memory as though she was never going to see anything ever again.

She was going to find Amaya. But first she had to shake UA off her tail. She knew that they would likely go after her, Maybe not Nezu. But her classmates definitely would.
She had to make them give up, and then she could be on her way.

She had to make sure she left absolutely no trail that they could follow. No leads, she had to disappear. She had to make sure they never see any sign of her location.
The moment they get even a shred of hope they would search until they found her, no matter how long it took.

She told them in her letters not to look but she knew that probably wouldn't deter them.
Especially not Kirishima. She wished she'd been strong enough to see him one last time but the moment she laid eyes on him she assumed she'd give up and stay. But she couldn't do that, it was wrong for her to put them in danger like that. For her to ignore her purpose.

This was her path.

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