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"Do you need something Kiri?"
Mai asked addressing the fact that he was still standing by her dorm door after insisting on walking her there.

"Huh! O-oh I guess not I-I'll just go... T-to my dorm..."
He said but still hadn't moved.
Mai sighed, concerned for this guy. This guy who'd been following her around all day and was now shaking at the thought of leaving her.

"Is there something wrong?"
Mai asked raising an eyebrow, that simple action was much more difficult than it once was, simply because the skin around her eyes was stiffer because of all the scar tissue.

"Huh?! No! No nothings wrong-"
He stopped when he looked at her, God he couldn't not tell her! Look at how concerned she was! And he was still a stranger to her.
"Well I.. I'm sorry Mai! I'm just... Scared."
He said walking to her bed and sitting down in front of her.

"It's just that... Well I'm scared to leave you... And I know it's dumb! I know you're strong! Way stronger than me! But still... I don't want anything to happen to you, ya know?"
He said pouting.

"So you wanna stay. In my dorm?"
Mai clarified.

"I know! I know it sounds creepy! I swear it's not like that! I'll even sleep on the floor!"
He offered and Mai laughed.

"Kirishima listen, I know you're not a creep okay? I don't have memories but I do have instincts. From the moment I heard your voice I knew I could trust you."
She said honestly.

He asked perking up immediately. That's good! She remembered him enough to trust him.

"Yes, so if you say we were friends, I trust that you wouldn't lie about our relationship."
She said shaking her head.

'Ouch, ouch, ouch.'
Kirishima thought flinching, Because he totally did lie about their relationship earlier.

"But still... I'm not going anywhere Kirishima, I swear."
She said and the words sounded familiar, like someone's had said them to her a very long time ago.

"But... Can I still stay?"
He asked giving her puppy dog eyes even though she couldn't see them.

Mai said agreed reluctantly. She walked to the door and pushed it open.

"Why'd you do that?"
Kirishima asked tilting his head.

"There's cameras in the halls, I can hear them, so keeping the door open is less weird than closing it with both of us in here.
Also we'll probably get in trouble later."
She said nodding the the direction of a camera in the hall.

"Okay! That's fine I already have detention!"
Mai sweat dropped at his enthusiasm. Yeah there no way she could let him stay every night.

Mai said laying down. He layed next to her but respected her distance, keeping almost a foot in between them.
But he still extended a hand and set it on hers, so that even with his eyes closed he knew she was there.


The students of most classes were working diligently on projects for the UA school festival.

Unlike the last festival, UA will not be encouraging it's students to beat the everliving shit out of each other.

No, instead they'd be making carnival games, food stands and craft fairs. Some would put on performances and there'd even be a beauty pageant in the middle of it.

Mai's class of one wasn't required to do anything of the sort but she and a older student named Mirio would be taking turns watching Eri. Or he'd be watching Eri, Mai would be holding her hand because she can't fucking see-

Mai touched the facemask she was wearing. A small measure to conceal her identity.
With only her scarred eyes and her short hair showing she almost looked like a completely different person.

She was on her way to Recovery girl's office for her training, she hoped it would be less torturous than the average schoolwork and tutor sessions she had with babble.
She heard a slightly familiar voice chanting "Don't be late, Don't be late, don't be late"
Under her breath and then a loud thud as the girl tripped over nothing.

Mai turned and heard a few whispered curse words coming from the fallen student.
"You okay?"
Mai asked bending down and resting her elbow on her bent knee.

Uraraka stammered looking up at Mai as she extended her hand.
She whispered and her own hand reached forward and grabbed Mai's.
"Yeah I am, thanks."
Uraraka said smiling.

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka! From class 1-A!"
She introduced herself.
Was this it? A second chance with Mai?
Uraraka didn't resent her in the slightest anymore, she regretted every moment that she hated her and regretted the fact that it took the poor girl dying to snap some sense into her.

Bakugou had been right. She had hated Mai for some petty girl reason. She hated her because of jealously, but now saw Mai as some sort of role model.
Bec no matter how many times Uraraka was mean, or made passive-aggressive comments she knew Mai saw through.
Mai never said a word back, she didn't need to.
The rivalry she had with Mai was completely one sided because Uraraka could never compete with someone like her.

Uraraka whispered as they both got up.
Midoriya had relayed Bakugou's message, about how he wasn't going to let them even talk to Mai.

But that boneheaded hedgehog wasn't going to stop Uraraka from trying to make it right.

Mai asked, she received the voice of course and was cautious. Her instincts telling her that this girl and her hand a past and to be on guard.

"If I'm being honest... Well I know you don't remember but... We never did get along."
Uraraka said honestly, and Mai couldn't sense a lie.

She nodded, urging her to continue.

"Well that was my fault and... I'm sorry!"
Uraraka bowed forward even though Mai couldn't see it.
"And I hope that... One day maybe we could be friends?"

The apologie was genuine, Mai could tell and though she didn't even remember what this girl did she could tell that she was sorry for it.


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