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Wait... This book is like... Almost as long as demons now...
That's actually pretty crazy ngl Because I wrote in demons for a lot longer.

I didn't update often until it started getting popular and people commented and stuff (Because honestly comments are what keep me motivated enough to write most of the time.)

Anyyyywayyysssss that's cool, but let's get back to the story!


Mai walked out of the medical part of UA and left through a back exit.
A humid air hit her when she opened the door. The blind girl sniffed and realized that it had rained recently.
She could imagine the grey clouds and puddles on the ground.

She now remembered that she liked rain, she liked she smell and sound and how everything seemed still and quiet after a thunderstorm.
She liked the look of the reflective puddles and the small droplets you could see on plants.
But of course she couldn't see it right now.

She walked on the sidewalk with her walking stick skimming the ground ahead of her.
She soon heard quick footsteps and the splashing of shallow puddles as someone ran towards her.
Mai was quickly tackled in a hug and she felt the shaking and sniffling of the person embracing her.

"Jirou? What's wrong?"
Mai asked, hugging her back lightly like she was scared of breaking her.

"I- I-"
Jirou gasped pulling away.
"Are you guys alright?! You and Kirishima?"
She asked, her hands still on Mai's shoulders.

"Yeah we are... Other than Kirishima's eye we're both fine."
Mai said turning her head.

Jirou let out a shaky breath.
"I couldn't sleep last night I was so..."
Jirou faltered.
"Mai I need to tell you something."
Jirou whispered, wiping a tear.

"Jirou... What is it?"
Mai asked and Jirou shook her head.

"It... It was me! It was all me I'm so sorry!"
She said, gasping for breath.

"What? Jirou what are you talking about?!"
Mai asked stabling her friend who seemed to be going into some sort of panic attack.

"I sold you out!"
Jirou confessed.

Mai shook her head.
She asked and Jirou sobbed desperately. Like she was struggling to breathe in.
Jirou had felt an impossible crushing guilt since the moment she realized Mai, Bakugou and Kirishima had been kidnapped.

It felt like her whole world was crumbling and leaving her with one realization. She was evil.
She was a villain. She had lied and endangered her friends and disobeyed her teachers for something as small and stupid as money.

And now she had to look at her friend's face as she told her that everything that happened was her own fault. Every traumatizing event that happened to her last night was because Jirou needed some cash.

"I-I've been giving Keiji information on UA... On you... I didn't know if was him a swear! But I still did if and it was wrong and everything is my fault!"


"Kirishima's eye is my fault! You all being kidnapped is my fault! And I know that must have been awful for you and it all happened because of me!"
Jirou sobbed into her hands and fell to her knees. She truly wanted to die, she had never been suicidal until she started doing those idiotic dealings with the stranger on the internet. The stranger that was actually the monster Amaya Keiji.

"I told him where we would be having the dance, I told him that you and Kirishima left the building and that Bakugou followed you. I thought for sure that it was okay because I assumed that if anything happened you would be strong enough to fight them but I was wrong! I was so so wrong! I'm a horrible person Mai I- I- I'm so sorry!"
She choked and stuttered through the whole thing as she tried to explain what happened.

She took in gasping breaths and her throat felt like it was closing in. Her hot tears didn't stop streaming down her pale skin and she became a discusting sniffling wreck.
She had never cried this much in her entire life.
Her throat was filled with rising bile and she choked it down to avoid throwing up for the second time this morning.

Mai stood in shock.
Unable to actually form and push out words. Her hands sat limp by her side as she listened to her friend sob and gag. She wanted to do something to comfort her but couldn't bring herself to do anything.
She couldn't even move.

Her dead eyes stared blankly into nothing and the only movement was the slight quivering of her bottom lip.
She took shallow calming breathes. She wasn't angry, but the intense feeling of betrayal clawed in her stomach and throat making it impossible for her to think.
She felt so empty and so emotional at the same time, she couldn't process everything she was feeling.
She managed to squeak out one small simple word.
She asked and Jirou sobbed more.

"It was stupid! So so stupid Mai! I doesn't even matter why!"
She hiccuped.

Mai asked again and once Jirou reached some sort of calm she managed to talk evenly again.

"My parent's business was failing... But neither of them wanted to move on. They were so stubborn and told me over and over again that things would get better. That the shop would get popular again and people would find my dad's music.
But it never happened and they got so poor and I got so desperate.

Then someone messaged me, and offered me money for useful information. On UA but especially on you. It was so much money and we needed it so much so I agreed.
And they... He would donate it to my family as an unanimous fan of his music a-and I just couldn't stop because I knew how much they needed it!"
Jirou sniffled, rubbing her eyes with her sleeve.

"I... I understand but-"
Mai mumbled.
Jirou jumped up and grabbed Mai's shoulders.

"No! There's nothing too understand! I did something wrong! It doesn't matter the reason! I came here to learn how to save people and ended up betraying my Friend! You're my Friend Mai! And you've been nothing but incredibly kind to me. You saved my fucking life and I stabbed you in the back!"
Jirou yelled.
She wanted Mai to cry, she wanted her to scream and yell at her. She wanted Mai to hit her and hate her and release the feeling of anger and betrayal that she obviously felt.

But she didn't, she was standing quietly and calmly. Listening to her intently.

"I forgive you Jirou, I know why you did it and I know you didn't think something like that would happen."
Mai said slowly.
"You're my friend Jirou..."
She whispered and Jirou started shaking again.
"But I can't keep this a secret."

"I know! I know you won't and that's okay! I'm okay with everyone hating me I'm..."
She sobbed and choked at the thought of all of her friends hating her for what she did.
Because she knew that Kirishima, Bakugou, Mina, Sero and Kaminari wouldn't forgive her as easily as Mai has.
Oh god Kaminari.
The adorable, stupid, lively, idiotic and hilarious Denki Kaminari.

He'll hate her now. He'll definitely despise her for what she's done.
"-I'm okay with him hating me."
She whispered.

Mai nodded.
"I'll... I'll go to Nezu's office in fourty minutes. That'll... That'll give you enough time to pack up and leave if you want too."
Mai said, looking forward with determination.

"Thank you! Thank you Mai I don't deserve this."
Jirou hugged Mai tightly, and then ran.
She was a coward for not facing this like she should. But she just wasn't ready to look someone in the eye while explaining what she had done.

So she ran.

I bet you didn't expect that Jirou would be our little traitor now did you?
(Or Maybe you did lol, if so good job)
But ik from comments that most of you thought it was Ami, Uraraka or Toru lol

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