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It lined up perfectly.
All Mai did was jump and the rock took care of the rest. It hit the three guys that quickly turned back into one guy as the rock hit him like a bowling ball hitting a strike.
Two of the duplicates created by twice melted into goo as they were flattened by the rock compress threw.

Compress shouted with his hands on his head.

"That hurt...! Do it again!"
Twice sounded from under the boulder.

Compress was wacked in the face with a gold staff by Eri. She was holding a small piece of energy and whacking him in the head over and over again while Mai used her needles to keep Shiggaraki from killing anyone.

He screamed in frustration as a single person began ruining his perfect foolproof plan.
Like when your opponent's pawn made it to the end of the board and they brought a whole new character... Back from the dead.

He pulled something out of his pocket. It was his last resort but now that his league was wallowing on the floor and his kneecap was destroyed.
He pressed a red button with a smile.

A Nomu smashed through the wall and Mai turned her attention too it.
She didn't know if it was good or bad but she was going to assume it was here to kill her to be safe.

It looked at it's master on the ground and watched as Shiggaraki outstretched one wobbly finger in Mai and Eri's direction.

A kid yelled and Mai had her answer.
A Nomu was what killed her, according to Aphrodite the last match ended in them all dying which meant Mai wasn't technically the winner.

'Fuck draws.'
Mai thought putting Eri on the ground and facing the Nomu. She pulled off her blindfold and wrapped it around Eri's eyes.
This was something she probably shouldn't see.
'I'm stronger!'

She thought as the creature lunged with a roar, Mai let out an angered scream in response and dropped her shoulder, a long thick blade forming in her hand as the creature got close.
It ripped through the Nomus stomach and Shiggaraki laughed at her attempts to kill the indestructible creature only to choke when she drained all of it's energy.

The Nomu became a shriveled corpse that hung limply on the sword.

"No! No no no no! I'm supposed to win! ME!"
Shiggaraki collapsed on the ground and punched the concrete below.
"Stupid stupid stupid! I hate heroes!"
He complained.

Mai raised an eyebrow at the man's tantrum.
Her face in full display. The scar crossing over her milky eyes confirmed a suspension held by everyone.
She was blind.

Completely blind.

Eri pulled off the blindfold and looked at the girl standing over her.
'S-shes.... So... Pretty!"
Eri thought with a big smile as she stared at Mai in all of her blind badass glory.

"Put that back on, Stay here."
Mai said and Eri frantically nodded tying the bandage sloppily around her eyes.
Mai walked to Shiggaraki and grabbed his collar.

"I wanted to win! Win win win..."
The man muttered scratching his neck.
Mai assumed his quirk came from his hands.

She grabbed his wrists and held them behind his back then gripped his hair in her fist and pinned him to the wall.

"No no no-"

"Oh Shut up."
Mai groaned.
"Listen to me bastard."
She hissed and he continued to mutter.

She felt light headed and blood dripped from her eyes onto his shirt.
She was reaching her limit. The only reason she was still going was the Nomu's energy buzzing through her veins like adrenaline.

"Get out of here."
She said and he glared.

He hissed while struggling.

"I said get out of here."
Mai said, she'd love to capture them but she couldn't. She was running low on energy and she was doing it quickly. Though the Nomu had a lot it also took a lot to create the sword she used to kill him.
She didn't have the energy or the resources. Technically she couldn't even arrest him.

"Why would you let me do that?"
He questioned.

"Are you in a position to ask questions? Leave or I'll kill you."
Mai warned.

"That's not very heroic."
Shiggaraki said turning his head to look at her.

She gripped his hair and hit his head on the wall, causing his forehead to drip red blood.
If she wanted him to think she was willing to kill him she needed to really sell this.
"Who said I was a hero?"
She asked.

"Then what the fuck are you?!"
He said grunting in pain.
Mai thought for a minute. What was she? She was actually a lot of things.
"An angel, a devil, a corpse, a martyr."
She whispered to him.
"A gladiator..."

The words rang through his mind and he could only think of one person that fit that discription.

"And a hero."
She said and his eyes widened.

"No... No! No no no no no! You're lying! You're not- No! You lying bitch! You're dead! Dead dead dead!"
He stuttered over and over wiggling underneath her.

Mai got bored of his screams quickly and hit his face against the wall.
"If you know who I am, then you know I won't hesitate to kill, correct?"
Mai said cementing the idea that she'd kill him easily.

This whole murderer thing wasn't so bad after all. It was a great threat.

He whispered shoving her off.
"Whatever, I'll take your deal. But I'll kill you again! I'll turn your body to dust if I have too."
He said falling to the ground when his hurt leg touched the floor.

Then he turned into a marble.
So did every member of the league. As compress got up a hand on his head as he regained consciousness.
Eri had done a number to his cranium for sure.

He collected the marbles and weighed his options. With a tip of his hand he threw down a smoke bomb and dipped, deciding he did not in fact want to die today.

Angels (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now