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It actually did work, he flew through the air and landed smack in the cage. Of course he did destroy the whole thing and barely missed crushing Todoroki. But hey, it worked and he lived.

She ducked under Iida's attempted sneak attack and grabbed his collar. Then she jumped over, grabbed Ojiro by his tail and took off.
She flew high enough that they were too scared of falling to struggle in her grip.
Then she threw them into the cell through the collapsed wall.

Winning the game five seconds left on the clock.


The moment she walked into the observation area she was rushed away by Momo, who had crafted a tank top for her to put on instead of Todoroki's jacket.
"Thanks again."
Mai said after slipping on the light-weight comfortable fabric.

"No problem! You did great by the way, thanks for healing me earlier."
Momo said with a smile and Mai nodded.

"Speaking of that, I have to go fix the people I threw around earlier."
She said, using her walking stick to make her way back from the girl's restroom.

She fixed Shoji and Todoroki, who had the most damage and wobbled over to the rest of her little group.
"Woah Mai! Are you alright?"
Kirishima asked rushing forward and grabbing her forearms to steady her.

She asked sleepily.

"You look really tired."
He observed, guiding her over to a seat.

"I wouldn't know."
She mumbled and he scoffed.

"That's not funny."
He whispered even though he was smiling.

"I-I need something to eat."
She whispered. Her head was throbbing and the burns on her arms that were healing earlier had stopped and now stung.

"Alright! Stay here!"
Kirishima rushed off immediately in search of food, leaving Mai alone on the bench that he left her on.

But she could hear someone close by, she recognized his footsteps and the clean smell on his clothes. She didn't really know him, but she'd noticed him sort of... Standing by her sometimes.

"Hey you."
She said, he shuffled a little bit and Mai assumed he was looking at her.
"Yeah you, come here."
She said and he walked over slowly, nervously.

He asked and she patted the seat beside her, asking him to sit down.

"Why won't Bakugou let you talk to me?"
She asked him bluntly.

The boy squeaked.

"For some reason Bakugou doesn't want us talking, why?"
She asked again. She'd noticed that this guy would get close, then Bakugou would walk up and the guy would leave quickly. Sometimes he would try to actually start talking and Bakugou would pull Mai away.

It's odd how Bakugou didn't think she'd fucking notice.
But now he's out fighting, meaning she could get answers without him bothering her.

"Oh! Um... I don't know what you're talking about-"

"Cut the bullshit."
She said when he started to tense up and lie.
He deflated immediately and put his head in his hands.

"It's my fault... I'm sorry Mai..."
He whispered.
"We we're friends, and I promised I'd always be there for you. But... When I found out about your past I broke that promise, I left you... I ignored you. Until the day that you stayed back to defend us, I was the only one who knew and I tried to stay but you told me to go... And I did. Maybe if I hadn't you wouldn't have died.
Now Bakugou doesn't think I'm a good friend, he wants to protect you from me hurting you again."
He explained, Mai sat there listening. She didn't interrupt him until he stopped talking. He sounded truly defeated.

"Alright. But that's not his decision to make."
Mai said, she reached over and gave the guy a pat on the back.
"What's your name kid?"
She asked as though she was significantly older than he was.

"Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya."

This one was kinda short but believe me... There is a lot in store now that I'm done with this arc.


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