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A knock sounded on Kirishima's door.
The boy turned from his desk look at it, waiting for the intruder to say something.
"Young Kirishima?"
Yagi said with another knock.
Kirishima's eyes brows rose and he stood up from his chair and opened the door.

The retired number one hero stood there with a paper bag, his lips upturned in a calm smile.
"You didn't come down for dinner and I brought some mochi for you guys to share."
He handed him the bag.
"So I brought yours up here for you."
The teacher explained.

He'd been ignoring and avoiding his friends ever since the funeral and All Might was picking up on it.

Kirishima took the bag and bowed his head.
"Thank you, sorry I could have-"

"Kirishima are you alright? I've noticed you haven't been socializing lately."
All might said. His student had thinned out slightly, and the bags under his eyes said he wasn't sleeping as often as he should. Which only grew his concern.
The boy rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah I'm-"

"I want the Truth Kirishima, I know you took Mai's death hard."
All might said putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. The boy's fake smile faultered and he looked at his teacher, sadness written plainly across his features.

"Well I... I guess I just..."
Kirishima sighed, he didn't want this attention.
After Mai's death he felt horrible, and the never ending pity from his friends didn't help.
They knew he liked her a lot. If they knew that for a day him and Mai were actually in a relationship they would have felt even worse for him.

But Mai was their friend to, he didn't want them to only care about how he felt. He didn't want pity. So he couldn't stand to look into All Might's eyes.

"I understand Kirishima."
All might said.
"I've lost many people in my life, so many of my relationships have been cut short by death and distance."

Kirishima nodded looking up at All Might's hollow eyes.

"But think about Mai, would she want you to act like this? She gave her life so that you and your friends could become heroes. Kirishima do you think she'd want you to spend your life sulking?"

The boy's eyes widened.
"N-no... In fact I'm pretty sure she'd think doing that is stupid."
He chuckled thinking about the blunt girl.
He could still she her blank expression as she asked about something no one else questioned.
"You're right I..."
Kirishima sniffled and rubbed his eyes.

"And you have friends and teachers that would be willing to help you in this time. Please don't shut us out."
All might gave his shoulder a pat.
"Mai was your friend, she loved you and her other classmates and wanted the best for them. She wouldn't want you to waste your talents."
Kirishima nodded, his lip quivering like a child.

Kirishima lifted his head and smiled. It was the first toohy smile All Might had seen from the boy all month.

"I'm gonna go downstairs."
He said rubbing his eyes.
"I'm gonna go to my friends."


"Who are you? And... Who am I?"

Alma hummed and looked at her student.
"Our society doesn't have an actual name. Outsiders have called it Heaven, the fountain of youth or even the lost garden of Eden."
Alma started, her thick accent beautifully flowing the words.
"We are trainers that help create and teach the heroes that keep the growing evil in the world at bay.

Each immortal chooses a human to train as our Angels before releasing them to the world to protect the innocent. You are my choice, unfortunately you died sooner than I expected and I had to look for Aphrodite to help with the process of resurrection, I've never been able to pull it off myself."

"Is she older then you?"
Mai asked, she would have guessed Aph was younger but she also assumed that Alma was in her thirties, so she probably wasn't good at figuring out people's ages.

"Centuries older actually. Don't ask about it though, she'll go on a whole spew on how the  Greeks thought she was so beautiful they named a love goddess after her."
Alma said with an eyeroll.

"What about me?"
Mai urged.
"Why did you pick me? How many angels did you train before me?"

Alma sighed.
"I've trained almost three hundred before you, and immortals have a real nose for finding heroes.
I was first interested when I saw you rescuing your classmates and strangers from villains and a fire. Then I learned more about you a made my decision."

Mai thought with a frown.
'Villains? A fire?'
She didn't know anything about herself, but she was heroic enough to protect strangers and classmates.

"You were a student in the hero course of one of the best schools in Japan. Dispite your past you have the morals of a angel and the courage of a soldier."
Alma said thinking about the gladiator Mai used to be, her interest only increased after learning about the details of her past.

"What about my past?"
Mai asked turning her head.
Alma bit her lip in consideration.
She wasn't sure if Mai was ready to hear about her own past and the deeds he was forced to commit. It might cloud her mindset with the same thoughts she spoke of during her interview. Maybe she wasn't ready yet.

"Alma! Hey are you going to the-"
At the perfect moment the young immortal Yahya walked up and stopped when he noticed Mai, who tilted her head slightly in the direction of the intruder.

"Oooh hey."
He said with a wave.
Mai stood there unresponsive, and unable to see his greeting.

Alma coughed and he shook his head to get his thoughts in order.
"Yeah... you going to the theater later?"
The man asked running a hand through his curly black hair.

"I can't."
Alma responded.
"Mai this is Yahya, Yahya this is my angel. Mai Rika."
Alma introduced.

Yahya took Mai's hand and gave it a shake.
"Ah, I've heard of you. It's a pleasure."
He said and then smirked.
"Too bad she's to Young for you to date."
He teased and Alma hit him over the head.

"Begone demon."
She said and he chuckled while running off.

Mai asked with a blank face.
Alma sweat dropped and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Well I got slightly closer then normal to my last angel... But it wasn't exactly intentional."
Alma said with a nervous laugh.
"Don't worry, you're not my type."

Mai shrugged and placed a hand on her forehead, a dizzy feeling filled her head and her unseeing eyes burned beneath her bandages.
She swayed to the side and grabbed the railing.
Alma reached forward to Mai and grabbed her shoulders holding the blind girl steady.
"That's enough talking for today, you should lay down."
She said grabbing the staff and leading her angel down the hallway to the room she'd spent the last month in.

Hehe ik I said I wouldn't update today but I'm tired of all of these chapters sitting in my drafts so here you go<3

If there's any questions comment them here and I'll probably answer them!

That's it for now byyyyyyyye

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