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Aizawa, Nezu and All Might stood infront of class 1-A.
How do you do this exactly? Someone died and came back from the dead. They had all the evidence they needed to prove it was her as well.
Mai was in recovery girl's office at the moment she needed to be slowly reintroduced to the class. But first the announcement.

"So what's going one?"
Kaminari asked only to be immediately shushed by Iida.

"Hello students! We have information regarding the recent villain attack!"
Nezu said and looked over at All Might to continue.

He coughed and cleared his throat.
"After careful questioning and evaluation of our rescuer, detective Tsukauchi and I have discovered that-"
He choked. This was odd news to deliver without a doubt. Good news but still odd, and Nezu was making him say it. Dispite being a pro hero and one of the most famous people in Japan he was shit at public speaking, this wasn't even public and he was still nervous.

"The young woman who rescued you is indeed-

...Is indeed Mai Rika."


Eri sat in her chair a piece of foam covered in sticky Elmer's glue in her hand.
She arranged them on a plastic board until an image became clear.
A long tiny white rectangle was stuck over a circle that was above a larger rectangle with four sticks poking out.

It also had it's fair share of red puffy paint everywhere.

Together they looked like a blindfolded block person that was covered in blood which wasn't exactly what she was going for but it looked alright.
It was a picture she was making for the pretty blind girl that saved her.

She couldn't write her a letter or draw her a normal picture because she couldn't see so she made this instead.
She hoped the lady would like it because she spent a lot of time trying to think of an idea that would work.

She began working on a smaller block person beside her hero that represented her when she was rescued. She glued a bent pipe cleaner for her face and stuck it on.

"Hey nugget! How's the picture going?"
Mic asked strolling up to the seated child.

She lifted it up and smiled.

"That's awesome kid! It's really coming together!"
He praised patting her shoulder.


"Stupid!! Stupid stupid stupid!"
Tomura Shiggaraki kicked a piece of rubble again and again.
His mental breakdown had lasted several days on and off, he'd occasionally pass out from exhaustion and the pain from his healing knee but once he woke up he began his rampage again destroying everything in sight.

"That bitch! That fucking bitch!"
His leg gave out and caused him to collapse again. He punched the floor and screamed in pure frustration.

The league on the other side of the company turned their heads when his tantrums became louder.
"He's taking this well."
Splinter mused a eye patch secured over his blind eye.

Dabi let out a humorless chuckle in response from his place in the corner on the dim room.
They didn't know exactly what shiggaraki was told but from his screams they gathered that he thought Mai Rika was alive again.

He was working for a child. A literal child throwing tantrums over a teenager that may or may not even be alive.
Dabi wasn't stupid, he obviously knew how easy it was to fake someones death.
But the idea of the heroes taking Mai from the scene while dying, healing her from that level of injury and not telling the press about it seemed unlikely.

The pro heroes wouldn't want the league to have any sort of victory even temporarily.
They also wouldn't let Mai fight on her own if they knew where the league was holding their precious baby heroes.

So he'd come to the conclusion that that girl wasn't Rika but someone with a small resemblance that Shiggaraki recognized in his defeat and assumed it was the kid he killed a few months ago.


"So how are you doing?"
Aphrodite asked her friend.

"I'm fine."
Alma lied now that Mai was done she had way to much time on her hands, Alma was growing tired of her purpose. When you do the same thing and live the same life for over a thousand years you grow bored of it.

"She's fine."
Aph assured misinterpreting her friend's sadness.
"Yagi is a pretty cool guy, he'll help her."

'A pretty cool guy? He's the bravest soul I've had ever encountered.'
Well maybe she was partial because of their past but he still was a truly amazing hero.

A hero she trusted with her life.


I have like one draft after this so updates will be a bit farther between because my current hyper fixation is my other story A.Z so I've been writing a lot more it that lol.

Any questions?

Also does anyone have any questions about me personally? Idk I had a weird thought ig.
If you do want to know anything about me you're beloved author you can ask.

I probably won't answer anything too personal like my address or first and last name because that can be dangerous to give out on the internet! But if you have questions go ahead and ask.

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