Chapter 29-The Chase

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Chapter 29

•Alex's P.O.V•

We ran for quite a bit, stopping about half a mile from the school. Once we saw that we were close enough to the orb, we all collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath. After about five minutes, I turned to Keith.

"What the heck was that, man? Do you know how much trouble we're gonna be in when we get back?" I exclaimed.

"I panicked, okay!?" Keith snapped. "Look, I know that making a mud-guiser underneath Mr Bliss wasn't the best idea, but it distracted him enough for us to get away."

"We could've just told him to go ask Professor Vinyl himself and run while his back was turned. Or, y'know, told him the truth?" I said.

"That would've still gotten us into trouble!" Keith shouted.

"Not as much as covering the head of discipline with mud!" I shouted back.

"Hey, I saved our butts back there!"

"You just made our problems bigger by doing that!"

"Cut it out already!" Zack shouted over us, electricity sparking at the tips of his hair. "We have more important things to worry about here! Every second we spend screaming at each other here the orb flies further away. So can stop arguing for five minutes and work on a plan to catch up to it?"

Me and Keith looked at each other, angry snarls on our faces. We looked away, arms crossed.

"Fine. But only because I wanna find that second half of the scroll." I grumbled.

"Where's the orb now?" Natalie asked. Keith looked around for a second before pointing.

"There!" I looked in the direction only to find a speck of white under the grey clouds that started to form. We all let out a  groan.

"I s it just me, but it looks even farther than before?" Celest said.

"And it looks like it's going even faster." Damian said, his eyes widening. "How are we gonna catch up to it now?"

"I can try run after it, but I'd only end up leaving you all in the dust." Zack said.

"Yeah, no kidding. Must be fun having superspeed, huh?" Aaron snapped, seeming unamused.

"Says the guy who could literally fly circles around the rest of us." Zack snapped back.

"What, jealous?" Aaron mocked.

"Can we all just stop fighting for a sec?" Cameron said, annoyed. "It's getting us nowhere, so just shut up and let's work something out, please!"

The grass beneath him started to rapidly freeze. A bit of frost found its way onto my shoe. As the ice and frost started to spread out from where Cameron was standing, it gave me an idea.

"I know how we can catch up to the orb." I said. They all turned to me.

"Well don't just stand there." Damian said. I turned to Cameron.

"We're gonna need a ride." I said to him. It didn't take Cameron long to realize what I meant.

"You mean...?"

"Oh god, no. Please, anything but that." Damian pleaded.

"Damian, we have no choice. Its the only way we can catch up to the orb." I said, putting my hands on his shoulders. Damian let out a sigh and turned to Cameron.

"If I fall off-"

"Don't worry. Like I said during the scavenger hunt..." Cameron snapped his fingers and from where he stood, a small, winding path and a sled of ice appeared.

"'s totally safe."

"Lord, give me strength." Damian mumbled.


We got closer and closer to the orb with every second that passed. Zack and Aaron were running and flying beside the sled, easily catching up, while the rest of us were seated inside. Cameron had one hand extended toward the front of the sled, blasting ice from his palm to create more of the path. The other hand was aimed at the back of the sled, propelling us forward by blasting cold air from his fingertips. I looked up at the orb and noticed it getting further away.

"Hey, Cam, you think you can make go any faster?" Damian asked over the sound of the wind rushing past.

"Well, considering the fact that I'm creating a path of ice and propelling a super heavy sled with eight people in it including myself, and we ran about half a mile from school leaving me extremely exhausted, and I also need to make sure we don't drift off, I think it's safe to say that this is as fast as I can go!" Cameron said, an obvious of annoyance in his voice.

"Jeez, it was just a simple question." Damian muttered, slightly hurt. Cameron looked up at the orb, noticing that the gap was getting bigger.

"You guys think you can shed a little weight?" Cameron asked the others.

"There's something I can try." Keith said. He then prepared to jump out the sled.

"Whoa, Keith, what are you doing!?" I ask, grabbing his arm.

"Let me go, Alex! I know what I'm doing... Kinda." Keith snarled. With that, he leapt off the sled. In a split second, brown fur started to grow all over his body, his ears and tail became bigger and fluffier and his hands and feet became paws. When Keith landed on the ground, he's completely transformed into a brown wolf with dark jagged rocks sprouting from his back.

"Wha...How did he?"

"Its called animal instinct." Keith barked, keeping up with the sled. "I'll explain it to you later."

I immediately noticed the sled's speed slightly increase. I turned to Cameron, who still looked as strained and exhausted as before Keith hopped out and transformed. I tapped his shoulder and he whipped his head around to face me.

"I'll take over from here, Cam. You focus on making the path." I said.

"No, your fire might melt the sled." Cameron protested.

"It won't, I'll make sure of it. Besides you're clearly too tired to continue this way. So let me focus on boosting us forward." I said. Cameron and I locked eyes for a second, before he thrust his other arm forward, blasting ice from his palms. I looked back and held my arms out in front of me, gathering a small flame in my palm. I closed my eyes and let out a breath, before letting loose a continuous burst of flame from my hands like a rocket engine. The sled immediately picked up speed, going almost twice as fast as before. The group who was still in the sled nearly fell over from the dramatic change in speed.

"Jeez, Al, you got a rocket engine in your hands?" Celest joked. I looked behind me to the orb and noticed that it started to slow down a bit. I started to ease the intensity of my flames, making the sled slower in the process.

"Hey, guys. The orb, it's slowing down." Cameron said to everyone.

"Then it means we're getting closer to the other part of the scroll." Damian muttered.

"About time. Its been hours-" Aaron cut himself off, seemingly in surprise. "Uh, does anyone else see the huge, dark, and eerily spooky castle in the distance?"


Author's Notes

Okay, this chapter is a little all over the place, but I knew I wanted to build up to the beginning of the next chapter, which I'm really excited to write. It will take quite a bit of planning though. Anyways, see you all then.


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