A safe place to crash

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"Mikaela Sierra Banes. you will leave right this moment or you will be arrested." Reflect says firmly. he looks at one of the soldiers. "you will arrest her if she doesn't in 10 seconds. she is not allowed on this base and now considered a trespasser, understood?" Reflect says firmly. the soldier solutes him.

"affirmative Reflection Prime, sir." the soldier answers. Reflect nods at him, before turning around and storming back into the base. he rubs his stomach, wincing, before pushing past Ironhide. Ironhide follows him into the base.

Sams waiting anxiously in the rec room, Cade is hugging Tessa as tight as he can.

"is... is she gone...?" Sam asks, hesitantly.

"if she's not she'll be arrested." Reflect assures, nodding at him.

"holy fuck Reflect that was great! thank god you stopped her. god she talked Mirages audio off and wouldn't let us leave her behind." Tessa groans.

"if you want to see great, you haven't seen nothing yet. wait till I really get pissed off." Reflect smirks, heading back for his room. Tessa laughs.

"he's not joking." Ironhide snorts, following after him.

Reflects already sitting on the berth when he gets there.

"security got her to leave but I bet she'll be back." Ironhide frowns.

"I bet." Reflect murmurs. "help me get through these fucking datapads, I need a nap, but these need to be done first." Reflect grumbles. Ironhide chuckles, grabbing a datapad.

"okay, we'll do these and then get a nap, your cube is sitting on the berth." Ironhide murmurs.

"I saw it, its over here, beside me. you could see it if your sparkling wasn't determined to be in the way of everything." Reflect snorts. Ironhide chuckles softly. Reflect grabs his cube, sipping it while reading the datapad in his servo.

the exhausted mech only makes it through three of the eight datapads before falling into stasis, leaned against Ironhide. Ironhide easily finishes the other five. he gently shifts his bonded to lay on the berth, then takes the empty cube and all the datapads out of the room.

he pokes his head into Optimus' office.

"Prime, got these for you. Reflect finished them." Ironhide says, putting them down.

"thank you, speaking of Reflect, did he handle Mikaela or do I need to?" Optimus frowns.

"security said she left after he told her she'd be arrested." Ironhide says. Optimus nods at him.

"good, at least he's finally taking charge." Optimus says. Ironhide glares at him a little.

"don't you dare, put more stress on him, he's carrying and already stressed enough. even more now that the sparkling has dropped. if he's not comfortable or up for doing something, either call me or do it your damn self." Ironhide warns, leaving the office.

he heads back to their room, carefully entering. Reflect is still curled up on the berth exactly the way he left him. Ironhide chuckles, climbing up beside him. he wraps his arms around the slightly smaller mech and lets his servos rest over the sparkling. he smiles a little, pulling his bonded closer gently, settling himself down for a light recharge.

he didn't have a steady recharge schedule anymore, not since the sparkling had dropped. he'd just lay down and catch rest whenever Reflect was napping. he didn't understand how Reflect was still going, but figured the lack of real recharge would account for his aggravation, though if Ironhide could get some good rest himself, he'd frag his bonded into the berth until he couldn't get up. Ironhide kisses the his bondeds head and settles into recharge. he'll wake up when Reflect does, Reflect needs his help to sit up.

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