Sparkling Preparation

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(This chapter may be a little short, I apologize a head of time. I've been working on it for a few days trying to make it longer but it hasn't entirely worked.)

Ironhide reaches silently for Reflects servo. he's gentle and slow with his actions, not wanting to scare his bonded. yelling already upsets him but he's carrying. his emotions are already everywhere, making the wrong move could seriously upset the mech.

"come here Reflect." Ironhide murmurs softly. Reflect pulls free from Ratchets grasp and walks quickly over to Ironhide. Ironhide growls lowly at Wheeljack, wrapping his arms around his bondmate gently. "fuck off before I beat your ass for hurting him." Ironhide snaps. he kisses Reflects head gently.

"I... Ratch-" Wheeljack tries.

"get in the medbay now." Ratchet growls, glaring at Wheeljack. the inventor immediately closes his mouth and rushes into the medbay.

"are you okay?" Irnohide ask. Reflects tense against him, clinging to him silently. "okay, well come on, I'm working on helping paint the sparkling room. come with me." Ironhide murmurs.

"no." Reflect says, jerking back immediately from him. his servo is shaking again. he swallowed hard, curling in on himself.

"what the hell did that idiot do to my fucking bondmate? why is he refusing to go anywhere near the fraggin' sparkling room?"

"Wheeljack yelled at him, like an idiot, when he said he wanted to go to the sparkling room."

"that fucking idiot! he'll probably never want to go in that room now! nice job fucking idiots."

"it wasn't me, don't blame me."

Ironhide kisses Reflects head gently, before scooping him up gently.

"come on. don't worry about Wheeljack, he's a fucking idiot." Ironhide murmurs. carrying his bondmate is not as easy as it had been before, but its not an absolute struggle either.

"Hide I really don't want to go-" Reflect starts nervously.

"shhhh. we'll just peek in and you can tell me if the colors ugly or not." Ironhide murmurs softly.

"I'd rather not Ironhide." Reflect mutters, dropping his head onto Ironhides shoulder.

"sure you would. Jack told everyone the room was supposed to be a surprise for us, but its not technically finished so the finished room will still be a surprise for you but the room color won't." Ironhide murmurs.

"Hide, please don't. I don't want to cause another fight between Ratchet and Wheeljack." Reflect mutters.

"don't worry about them. Wheeljack yells at you again and I'll beat his ass." Ironhide growls. he sets Reflect on their shared berth in their room, to give the mech a minute. carrying him around makes Reflect dizzy and carrying him too long, or not stopping for him to have a break, causes him to purge. purging makes him upset, being upset makes him cry, and crying pisses Ironhide off. "don't get upset Reflect. Ratchet and Wheeljack won't argue. Ratchets just going to make sure he doesn't yell at you again." Ironhide soothes gently. he kisses the mechs head gently, holding him tightly.

"he yelled at me for wanting to see the room and I really just don't want to see it." Reflect mumbles softly. Ironhides angry. incredibly angry. Ironhide is so angry he can't even put it into words.

"I swear to Primus Jack, if you ruined something that was supposed to be a joyful thing for Reflect, I will end you. he's too fucking afraid you're going to yell at him again to even want to see the damn room! let alone be in are room! its too fucking close apparently! are you fucking proud of yourself? are you happy that you've not only upset him, you've absolutely ruined his excitement over the sparkling room."

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