Chapter 1: The Hunt

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Skylar's POV:

Gazing outside the window of the black SUV we were traveling in, I watched as the town of Beacon Hills slowly appeared on the horizon. Well, at least parts of it did. Most of it was hidden by the woods that surrounded the area—a prime spot for supernatural animals to live and thrive. Ignoring the choking sounds next to me, I knew that Gerard was just taking his pills. I think that he was trying to hide the painfully obvious (for me anyway) fact that he had Cancer, but it wasn't working with me. After all, there was a reason I was one of the best Hunters in the world.

Shifting in my seat, I frowned as I thought about the comfort found in my own vehicles, one a Black Harley-Davidson Street Bob 107 and the other a Grey Chevrolet Silverado 3500 Chassis Cab. The Chevy had a customized bed, able to store my abundance of weapons, the motorcycle, and a duffle-bag with ease. But my last hunting trip had been in Thailand, so I just flew straight out of San Francisco and left both vehicles with Chris and Victoria. It worked out, since I usually stayed with them anyway in between expeditions.

My adopted brother and sister-in-law were some of the few that weren't surprised about me making a name for myself in the hunting world. The reason why it was a surprise? Because I was only 24-years-old and known as the best. But while I did devote most of my time to tracking down and killing supernatural animals, I was also in college. To be more specific, I was getting a Doctorate in Law at...well, Harvard University. If I really wanted to, I could drop out of hunting and join a law firm, but that wasn't the books for me. At least, not at this moment it wasn't.

Sighing, I checked my phone to see if Allison had responded to my latest text. Allison Argent, daughter to Chris and Victoria. And until Kate had decided to tell her everything, she had been oblivious to family business. But now since she knew and since there were werewolves in Beacon Hills, her training would probably have to begin soon. God, I hope Chris didn't teach her the same way that Gerard taught me. I might've been able to survive it, but I knew good and damn well that she wouldn't be able to. I'm not calling her weak, Allison is just...softer.

Pulled out of my thoughts once again as the driver stop, I shoved my phone into my pocket and observed the contents of the cemetery before opening the door. Straightening my jacket, I raised a brow at the sight of two teenage boys (around Allison's age) peeking out from behind a gravestone. Just how boring was this town that the only form of entertainment was watching funerals? Or were they spying on us for another reason. Deciding to ignore the many ideas that were popping into my mind, I smiled once I noticed that Allison was watching me.

Heading towards her, I paused to greet some other people, including Chris and Victoria. Hugging Chris before kissing Victoria's cheek, I painted a polite smile on my face before turning to my niece. "Don't you clean up nice?" I hummed. Allison was dressed in a dark blue dress that ended just above her knees, met with a pair on brown riding boots.

"Thanks." Her cheeks dusted pink, apparently still not used to compliments. "You look good too." Not dressed differently from normal, I had to hold back a chuckle.

"Alli, I literally look the same as I usually do." I reminded.

"And you look nice." Allison defended her decision, making me laugh before patting her shoulder and sitting down. Zoning out of the entire service, I only remember Gerard's furious yet calculating look. There was something that was brewing on his mind, and I intended to find out what it was. Once the service ended, I decided to ride with Allison in her car.

Suggesting that we get milkshakes (my treat), we soon ended up parked in the parking lot of one of the Beacon Hill's many parks. Conversation passed easily between us, not any different from how it normally was. That is, until she embarked on the one subject I was dreading having to talk about. "Are you a hunter?"

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