Chapter 2: Shape Shifted

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Skylar POV:

As my alarm started buzzing, I hit the snooze button and rolled onto my back, staring at the ceiling. Gerard was strict even with me not being in training anymore, which meant that if I didn't wake up at 5:30 at least, he'd be throwing a fit. I was considering going back to sleep just to spite the man but didn't want today to end with me getting punished. So, I got out of bed. Grabbing a pair of camo jeggings and a T-shirt, I slipped them on and grabbed some Skechers. They were the only shoes that I had that wasn't some type of boot, bought specially for me to wear when I went on runs.

Usually, I didn't exercise in the morning, mostly because I was usually out hunting and getting more than enough exercise that way. But when I was at Chris and Victoria's, 9 times out of 10 it was for a much-needed vacation and therefore I needed to still stay in top shape. Taking out a circular case, I unbuckled it and unrolled it enough to grab the first three throwing knives, placing them both in their appropriate places. Placing the container back where I had stored it, I headed downstairs, ready to face the Patriarch of the Argent family.

"Skylar." Gerard greeted, not bothering to look up from his paper.

"Gerard, Chris." I returned, taking the offered coffee cup from my older adopted brother. "Where's Victoria?"

"Still asleep." Chris answered. "She's not the mood to wake up early."

"Ahh, I see." I hummed, getting at what he was hinting at. "Do you want some help with training Allison?"

"That'd be appreciated." Chris nodded, glancing at Gerard before continuing to cook some breakfast. "Especially with whatever is running around Beacon Hills."

"Does she want to be a hunter?" I questioned that next, taking a sip of my coffee.

"It doesn't matter if she wants to be one or not, she's an Argent--she's going to be one." Gerard growled, glaring at me.

"Calm down." I spat, looking him up and down. "I asked if she wanted to be one, not if we were going to train her or not. Stop being so touchy." Looking back at Chris, I sat down my now empty cup. "I'm going to go on a run. See you in about an hour."

"Alright, stay safe." Chris instructed. Nodding, I grabbed my phone and headed outside, the frigid air doing nothing to me. Don't ask me how or why I was this way, I just was. It hadn't always been like this for me, but life had taken some turns and Misery seemed to love visiting me. Guess he seemed to think that the start of my life had been too good, too perfect, and now the rest of my life was going to be spent with him playing catch up. After about 25 minutes of steady jogging down the Preserve trail, I slowed to a walk, taking the moment to enjoy the place where I had spent the best years of my life at.

However, it wasn't long before I felt eyes on me once again, making me turn around and study my surroundings, only to find nothing. Checking my phone, I slightly frowned at the sight of the time. Unfortunately I didn't really have time to further investigate who the hell was watching me, the person to remain a mystery until further notice. Turning around and heading back down the trail, I arrived back at the house at promptly 7:00. Apparently the other members of the household were doing other things, leaving Allison and me in the kitchen by ourselves.

"Morning Sky." She greeted, looking up from her phone. "Dad put a breakfast bowl in the fridge for you and said to tell you that I'm going to be riding to school with you."

"Alright." I hummed, grabbing a bowl and putting it in the microwave. "What time will you probably be ready to go?"

"Oh, I'm ready now." Allison informed. "So whenever you want to leave is good with me."

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