Chapter 31: Time of Death

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Skylar POV:

"I'm the highest on the fucking list, Stiles!" I yelled, pulling at the roots of my hair. "Now why the fuck wasn't I told about Scott performing this horrible plan?!"

"He didn't want you to know because he knew that you'd try to stop him. Or worse, replace him." Stiles sighed, sounding very stressed. "You were just in the hospital with a gunshot wound two nights ago!"

"And I'm fine now." I stated.

"Maybe you're fine, but you're not in the shape to fight a Berserker. If they show up." Stiles huffed, making me curl my lip in annoyance. He was right, but I wasn't about to admit that.

"I'm going to get dressed, then I'm going to go to the hospital, and when Kira brings him back, I'm going to pump him so full of wolfsbane he'll be in pain for days. And then I'm going to do the same to Liam, give Kira a dose of Letharia Vulpina, and I'm going to scalp you." I threatened, hanging up and throwing my phone against the wall opposite of me.

"Something wrong?" Braeden asked, turning a page in a magazine.

"Apparently being a True Alpha does nothing for the brain." I growled, reaching for my keys.

"You shouldn't be going." Braeden stated, snatching the keys away from me. "Your anger's out of control, you'll end up doing something irrational. Stay here, I'll keep an eye on them." Noticing my hesitant look, she gave me a smile. "I give you my word. Besides, consider it payback for saving me from the Desert Wolf."

"That was payback for saving my life when I was 19." I reminded.

"You really don't understand how someone can forgive a debt, can you?" Braeden asked.

"It hasn't exactly been a common theme in my life." I mumbled, rubbing my shoulder to keep it from forming knots.

"I'll be back in a couple of days." Braeden informed, tossing me my phone before leaving. Checking the damage I had done, I was incredibly thankful for the hard case I had put on a couple of months ago. Going back inside the loft, I frowned at the sight of Derek still asleep on our shared bed. It didn't look like he had moved from his position when I had left to call Stiles, having just sensed that something was wrong. But with his hearing, he should've heard me get up.

"What are you doing?" Derek asked as I lifted his shirt up, inspecting the scape he'd gotten from one of the bullets.

"Taking care of my boyfriend." I smiled, making him hum. "You're not healing."

"Some wounds take longer." Derek stated, turning away so he didn't have to face me.

"And some leave scars--but not for werewolves." I retorted, poking his back. "Your heightened smell and hearing is gone, and now you're not healing."

"Maybe I'm just tired." Derek reasoned.

"Fine, tough guy, be that way." I huffed. "Show me your eyes."

"You just saw them." Derek's statement made me realize that if we ever had kids and if they were anything like him, we'd be in for a hell of a time.

"Show me your real eyes." I deadpanned. "The glowy ones." Derek sighed but turned around to face me again, blinking twice. Normally, that would mean that I got a glimpse of his blue wolf eyes, but this time there wasn't even a golden hue. Derek had lost the power he had been born with. "Get up, I need to bandage your wound."

"That's not necessary." Derek groaned.

"The last time you had an open wound and didn't cover it before it healed you attempted to hang me and set Chris on fire." I reminded, offering him my hand. "I'm going to bandage this." Derek stared at my expectant face for a bit before standing, watching as I grabbed my medical kit (recently refilled thanks to a certain Melissa McCall). Opening the packet for an alcohol wipe, I started to clean the graze, making him hiss at the pain.

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