Chapter 17: Anchors

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Skylar POV:

"And therefore, he can't legally do that-" My rant about the legality of the TV Show that Melissa and I were watching was interrupted by a crash from upstairs. Isaac and I had stopped by to pick Scott up for school since his bike was still torn up from when he was fixing something. And while Isaac went to go fetch his friend (and now Alpha), Melissa and I were discussing the realism of the TV Show that we decided to watch together ('bonding time'). We exchanged looks before going up the stairs to investigate.

"Hey." Melissa barked, getting both of their attention. "You two supernatural boys. Don't test my entirely un-supernatural level of patience." She then gestured to the painting that had also been knocked down and the wall, silently ordering for them to put it back up before going back downstairs.

"Either one of you care to tell me what just happened?" I questioned, picking up the painting and hanging back up before looking between my foster son and half-brother. As they both stared blankly at me, I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Okay then. I'm leaving in five minutes, whether you're with me or not." Leaving, I heard Isaac ask if Scott felt better, making me even more curious about the fight. However, I figured that I'd probably figure it out sooner or later and proceeded to get in the driver's seat of my truck.

Within the five-minute mark, both teenagers were in the vehicle and we were ready to go. Turning the radio down to where it was just background noise, I stopped at a red light and glanced between the two. "Alright, there's clearly something going on in you guy's heads. Spill." I ordered.

"What'd Derek say about you being supernatural?" Scott asked.

"And are you two going to be getting back together?" Isaac added.

"Okay, one, Derek doesn't care if I'm supernatural or not. Two, why should my love life be any concern of yours?" I shot a look at Isaac from the mirror, the teenager grinning from the backseat.

"Because you're my mum." Isaac retorted without hesitation, making my eyebrows shoot up, while his furrowed. "Wait, does that mean Scott's my uncle?"

"Great, so I don't know if my adoptive niece is going to my daughter-in-law or my sister-in-law." I hummed, having picked up on the tension between the three.

"You know, the only person you're not related to in any way is Lydia and Stiles." Scott realized, deciding to ignore my comment while Isaac looked like he was contemplating the meaning of life.

"I'm not related to Derek or Peter." I reminded.

"You will be." Scott smirked. "As soon as you marry Derek." He was answered by me slamming on my brakes, making him hit the dash and Isaac to bang his head on my seat.

Before they could get a word out, I unlocked the doors. "That's it, you're both walking to school."

"What did I do?" Isaac asked.

"You were thinking the same exact thing." I deadpanned, having recognized the look that had crossed his face before Scott had spoken. "Now you have fifteen minutes to get to school on time--Run." And with that, I drove away.


I knew that the pair of boys had gotten to school safely because I saw them in the hallways headed to class. And although I'll never admit it out loud, I was relieved. The last thing I wanted was for them to get in trouble from the point where I dropped them off to the school. However, something always had to go wrong. So when I got a text from Stiles saying 'URGENT' in all caps with the classroom number included, I immediately got up from an extra seat in the back of Coach's classroom and headed there.

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