Chapter 14: The Overlooked

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Skylar POV:

"Just relax, I'm going to take care of you."

"That's reassuring." I mumbled sarcastically, curling in on myself. With everything that had been happening in Beacon Hills, I really hadn't had any time to sleep, so I had been surviving on coffee (black, of course) and energy drinks. So, with the gentle explanation of the events from Scott and Stiles, I went to sleep, partially relaxed. When I woke up again, it was from screams. Bolting up, I grabbed my knife from my boots (also putting them on) and ran down the stairs, two at a time.

"The only person that can save your sister!" The Darach (I wasn't going to call it by the name that it had chosen) gasped, Derek's hand wrapped around its throat, slowly choking it. "Call Peter. Call him!"

"I'm very much inclined not to." I made everyone aware of my appearance, placing the knife in its holder in my boot. "But fine." Grabbing my phone, I hit the recent call button, instantly calling Peter. He had called me before the recital, complaining about something stupid at the hospital, I really didn't pay attention.

"What do you want?" Peter's annoyed voice came through the speaker.

"Oh, don't act like I find joy in our conversations." I rolled my eyes. "I'm calling you on behalf of Derek...and a couple of other interested parties. How-"

"Why couldn't he just call me?" Peter interrupted.

"He's...occupied." I looked Darach and Derek up and down. "Now as I was saying before you oh so nicely interrupted, how's Cora?"

"Well it's not good." Peter sighed. "She's in and out of consciousness. She's vomiting up black blood, along with one other alarming substance-"

"Mistletoe." I finished.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Peter asked, answered with me hanging up on him. Glancing at the scene before me, I left them to grab my jacket and gun while Derek started to choke Darach. While Stiles and Scott tried to get him to stop, I quickly braided my hair and tucked it into my jacket. Trotting back down the stairs, I ignored the sight of Darach slowly getting killed.

"Sky..." Scott started, their efforts to stop Derek fruitless.

"Yeah yeah." I sighed and rolled my eyes again, finishing pulling on my gloves. "Derek, as much as I want it dead too, we need it. It's possibly the only one able to save Cora, and it's the only one who knows where Sheriff Stilinski is."

"We can save her and find him. Somehow." Derek stubbornly growled out.

"Maybe, but it's always best to keep our options open." I retorted, coming to stand beside the werewolf alpha. "You can keep an eye on it the entire time, just don't kill it, yet." Glancing towards me, Derek's green eyes watched mine before he dropped the Darach, moving away from it.

"That's right." The Darach said, a smirk growing on its face. "You need me. All of you." Exhaling sharply, I glared at the Darach before glancing at Scott.

"Sky, no." He stated, already knowing what I was going to do. Punching the Darach solidly on the nose, it gasped in pain as its nose began gushing blood.

"Let's get one thing straight." I grabbed it's hair and pulled it back to face me. "I need no one. And if I really want to, I can end you right here and now. The only thing keeping me from doing that is because I don't like the dangers that come from the ways to find Sheriff Stilinski and save Cora without you. So keep your act together or I'll tear your head off."

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