Chapter 10: Frayed

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Skylar POV:

"Let's go through this easily, shall we?" I asked sarcastically, taking a seat behind Isaac and Boyd. "Neither one of yall are going to attack Ethan, I don't care if I have to inject you with wolfsbane and render you unconscious, understand?"

"You can't tell us what to do." Boyd stubbornly said.

"Actually, I can." I smirked. "Not only am I the co-coach here, but I'm also the oldest and most experienced in the supernatural world here. On top of that, I'm Isaac's legal guardian."

"Wait, the papers went through?" Isaac asked, his eyes lightening up.

"Yeah, just got a text message confirming it." I smiled slightly. "But that won't keep me from knocking you out."

"Yes. Yes, I can! It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now, on our way to some stupid cross-country meet, after what just happened. Incongruous." Stiles exclaimed as they were studying words and their definitions. Sitting back down seat behind them, I rested my chin on the back of their seat.

"Out of place, ridiculous, absurd." Scott answered.

"Perfect. Okay, next word. Um...Darach." Stiles said, trying to get Scott to talk about the events of last night. "Darach. It's a noun?" He tried before sighing. "We have to talk about it sometime, okay? And we're gonna be stuck in this thing for, like, five hours, so why not? Next word...'Intransigent'."

"Stubborn, obstinate..." Scott mumbled before wincing.

"Oh, buddy, you okay?" Stiles asked. "We shouldn't have come. I knew it--we shouldn't have come." He ranted to me, making me smirk out of amusement.

"We had too. There's safety in numbers." Scott reasoned.

"Yeah, well, there's also death in numbers, okay? It's called a 'massacre'." Stiles shot back.

"Or 'bloodbath', 'Carnage', 'Slaughter', 'Butchery'..." I trailed off.

"Alright, I'm telling Coach that-" Stiles started as Scott groaned again.

"No, no, no, no, I'm fine." Scott interrupted.

"Well, you don't look all right! Would you just let me see it?" Stiles asked.

"I'm okay..." Scott assured.

"Just let me see it, please?" I asked, cocking my head slightly.

"Okay." Scott sighed, pulling up his shirt to reveal unhealed scratches.

"Oh, dude..." Stiles groaned.

"I know it's bad, but it's because they're from an Alpha--it'll take longer to heal." Scott tried to reason.

"How come Boyd and Isaac are fine, then?" Stiles contradicted.

"I can't believe he's dead..." Scott sighed as he looked out the window. "I can't believe Derek's dead."

*****(Flashback--Two Nights Ago--Third Person POV)*****

"I know where they are." Scott stated as he opened the door to Derek's loft.

"Same building as the Argents." Derek finished. "We know."

"Cora and I followed the twins." Boyd proudly stated.

"Then they want you to know." Scott informed.

"Or, more likely, they simply don't care." Skylar stated as she entered the room from Derek's kitchen with coffee in hand. "It's not like they have the most threatening nor concerning foe."

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