Chapter 38: Genotype

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Skylar POV:

"Hey, it's me again. I, uh, don't know why you can't seem to call me back. Maybe it's because you think you're punishing me. But, this is too long. It--it's too much. It's not about us. Something's happening in Beacon Hills, to the people here. I just...I just, I need to know everyone there with you is okay. So, can you just please, please call me. Please? One call. That's all I'm asking for. And, if you can't call me back, then I'm going to get my answer anyway. That means I'm coming up there myself if I don't get a call from you. I'm coming up there. So, just try...try to's my pack, too."

Once the beep that signaled voicemail was finished sounded, I didn't have to look up from my pistol to know that Scott was the one that closed the phone. "You pulled this off of one of the bodies in the woods?" Theo questioned, turning away from where he was currently keeping watch for any threats.

"Malia did." Liam clarified.

"Yeah, there's six dead bodies. One of them had no face." Scott added.

"Okay, so the one with no face, you think that's the woman on the phone?" Theo raised a brow.

"Maybe." Scott shrugged.

"It's the same thing that happened to Aaron. It took over his body, basically stole his face and his DNA." Mason spoke. "So, that means whoever this woman is, she could be the other half of the Anuk-ite."

"Which means she's just half of the problem. The other half, we already know about." Theo stated. "Aaron."

"We don't know where he is, though." Liam reminded.

"Okay, hold on." Theo glanced back at me to see what I was doing. "Aren't we supposed to keep both halves apart? We know about one half. Let's just go for that one. That's Aaron."

"I'm not agreeing with Theo, but...I do think it would be easier to track down Aaron over a voice on the phone..." Mason trailed off, making me snort.

"That's agreeing with Theo." Liam deadpanned.

"Yeah, but I thought I'd try to soften the blow a little bit." Mason sighed.

"Is everyone completely shocked that I might be right?" Theo looked offended, which made me smirk as I came to stand beside the teenager.

"No, we just don't like it." Liam sighed.

"Maybe we're all right. Maybe we should be looking for both--Aaron and the woman on the phone." Scott compromised. "I mean, since you both agree..." He looked at Mason and Theo suggestively, making me bite my lip to keep from laughing at the pair's expressions.

"Wait, you mean me and-" Mason started.

"-Him?" Theo finished.

"Yeah. You two find Aaron." Scott nodded. "Liam and I will try to figure out whose voice is on the phone."

"If we find the other half, maybe we don't have to fight at all." Liam proposed. "We stop the Anuk-Ite..."

"We stop the war." Scott eagerly finished the suggestion, looking to me for any comment.

"We know Aaron isn't the supernatural, so use all of your senses to try to find the woman." I instructed, looking between my little brother and his beta. "I'll go with these two, act as a buffer."

"You sure you want that job?" Scott questioned.

"I dealt with three Hales for just about two years in high school, and two Hales for two more years when I came back here." I reminded. "I think dealing with a human and chimera that has homicidal tendencies will be a piece of cake. Besides, I might be able to freeze Aaron so we can break him in half." I let some frost come from my fingertips to emphasize my response.

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