Chapter 12: Currents

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Skylar POV:

Maneuvering around the multiple ambulances and police cars, I finally managed to park my truck, turning it off and hopping out. Walking inside the hospital, Scott held up the to-go bag so Melissa could see it. Hearing her 'oh thank God', we shared a smile before making our way to her. "I'm starving!" Melissa informed, taking the bag with a smile. Scott bit back a smile as she didn't hug him as usual, already knowing how hungry she was. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Thank you for bringing me dinner." She hugged Scott before turning to hug me. "And thank you for driving him."

"Is everything okay?" Scott asked while I looked around the crowded waiting room.

"Except for half the accident victims in a ten-car pileup being rerouted here from downtown, and the ER attending not answering any of his pages, yeah, I'm okay." Melissa ranted.

"I have paramedic training, I could help with something." I volunteered.

"Yes, please, that would be amazing." Melissa let out a breath, pointing me towards a group of victims. "They just need to be stitched up, but we don't have any pain medication."

"Scott?" I raised a brow, both of us communicating silently.

"I can help with that." Scott stated, nodding once to me. Handing me some surgical thread, a needle, bandages, cotton patches (to soak up the blood), medical alcohol, and gloves, Melissa let out a rushed thank you before hurrying off to somewhere else. "You have paramedic training?"

"No, but I've stitched up enough wounds from hunting that I might as well." I sighed, introducing myself to one of the women and explained what was going to happen. "And Scott is here so you can squeeze his hand off to cope with the pain." I finished, grinning as Scott rolled his eyes. Starting on her, Scott took away some of the pain, but not enough where it was extremely noticeable. Just as I finished bandaging it, Ethan's voice was heard.

"Help! I need some help here!" He yelled, practically carrying Danny.

"Great." I groaned, dropping the supplies on the front desk and approaching the pair. "Alright, get him over here. Scott, go get Melissa." I ordered, helping Ethan shoulder Danny and guide him over to a chair. Within seconds, Melissa was running towards us, Scott trailing close behind.

"What did you do to him?" Scott growled, grabbing Ethan's shoulder.

"Nothing!" Ethan snarled, pushing Scott off of him.

"Boys." I warned, glancing towards them while still helping Melissa.

"He said he was having chest pains and trouble breathing, but it just kept getting worse." Ethan explained, both calming down slightly at my warning.

"This is not good." Melissa mumbled, feeling Danny's throat. "How much longer on Dr. Hilyard?" The front nurse shrugged, making me growl in frustration. "His Larynx has shifted to the side. I think it's a tension pneumothorax." She was interrupted by Danny vomiting, making me step behind Scott to avoid getting splashed. Spotting a familiar substance in his vomit, I sighed.

"Mistletoe." Ethan and I said at the same time, sharing an understanding look. Grabbing a bed, the three of us helped wheel Danny into a room, much to Melissa's annoyance.

"Can you three please go back to the waiting room?" She groaned.

"Where are the doctors and nurses? Where is everyone?" Ethan asked.

"It's a full house tonight, they're busy attending other patients." I answered, crossing my arms while Melissa nodded at me like 'she gets it'.

"Okay, well Mom, how can we help?" Scott asked, gesturing to him and Ethan while I slipped an IV into Danny's arm.

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