Chapter 36: Triggers

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Skylar POV:

"Anyone can learn to hunt one werewolf. We are building an army."

"An army?"

"To kill them all."

Jerking up from the bed with my heart racing, I started to calm down my heavy breathing. Glancing over at Derek's sleeping form, I slipped out of the covers and padded out to the kitchen, using my white eyes to see as I fixed a cup of coffee. Sitting down at the island and stirring in some creamer, I let the white fade to plunge me back into total darkness. 17 months, that's how long it had been since Derek and I left Beacon Hills, 17 months since I stopped hunting. It was odd, knowing that there were things out there in the night that were harming people and I wasn't doing anything about it.

But at the same time, it was relaxing. My nights were spent in bed with Derek, not hunting the latest supernatural threat. I wasn't constantly on edge, always expecting some rabid beast to appear out of least to my boyfriend's knowledge. Okay, maybe I was lying to Derek about how the normal life was affecting me, but he was happy, and I didn't want to upset that by going back to what made me feel good. The Lawyer job I'd gotten was a definite change, and one that paid well. But it just didn't suit me as well as being a Hunter did.

"Nightmare again?" Derek's tired voice filled my senses as the lights blinked on. Humming as his arms wrapped around my shoulders, we let out a heavy breath together.

"Yeah." I hummed.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Not really."


"I'm fine. Go back to bed, Der-Bear, I'll be there in a second."

"Skylar, talk to me." Derek spun the barstool around, bracing his body on the counter as his arms caged me in.

"Derek, I said I was fine." I repeated, playing with the ends of his hair towards the nape of his neck.

"But..." Derek trailed off, his look telling me that he knew I was hiding something from him.

"I'll tell you in the morning, okay?" I reassured, patting his chest. "Go back to bed, Dar." Derek was reluctant to act, looking as if he wanted to say something but for once actually stopped himself from doing so. Watching as he sleepily went back to bed, I ran a hand down my face while biting my cheek. Waiting until I could hear Derek's soft snores, I finished my coffee and put the cup into the sink, putting some water in it before heading downstairs. Opening up the basement doors, I punched in the code to my side of the room, closing the heavy door behind me and locking it.

Turning on the lights, I was instantly met with my current weapon collection. Since I had given up the Hunter life, I had decided to sell many of the properties I'd accumulated throughout the years, distributing the weapons in various houses that I did keep. And since this was Derek and I's main residence, my favorites came here. Of course, Derek was unaware of the large amount of firepower I had down here. And while I was pretty sure he had a suspicion, we didn't talk about it.

Sighing, I start disassembling my favorite rifle and preferred four pistols, placing them into the properly-padded saddlebag. Grabbing a couple of my favorite knives, I put them into some weapon belts before rolling them and placing them into the other saddlebag. Picking up my signature silver wolfsbane-edged knife, the metal gleamed in the low lighting I had. Sheathing it in my boot holster, I went over to my safe and punched in the code. Opening the door to reveal several stacks of hundred-dollar bills, I grabbed two stacks and placed them in one of the many compartments on my supply belt.

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