Chapter 29: I.E.D./Orphaned

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Skylar POV:

"Derek, I'm not just going to sit around and wait for some assassin to try to cut my head off!" I exclaimed, shoving a pistol into my thigh holster. "I'm worth 35 million, that's more than all of you on that list. People are going to be clambering to come after me. And I'm not going to draw them to this loft where you in all your descending werewolf glory lives!"

"Skylar." Derek sighed, leaning against the table, palms flat against the surface. "I'm not asking you to do nothing, I'm asking you to not go off hunting for these people. You all of all people should know that it's harder to take on a pack rather than a loner."

"Fine." I huffed, biting the side of my cheek before meeting his eyes. "I'm still going with my knives and guns."

"Well, Coach always did favor you. I'm sure he'll allow it." A ghost of a smile adorned Derek's face. "I'll drop you off, Scott asked me for some help with his new beta."

"Liam?" My eyebrows shot up, slightly surprised. Not that Scott had asked Derek for help, but that Derek had agreed. "God, this is a horrible time the be a new beta. Especially one with IED."

"IED?" Derek raised a questioning brow while grabbing my backpack full of random weapons and herbs that I might find useful later on during the day.

"Intermittent explosive disorder." I informed, both of us walking out the loft door. "He tore up Devonford Prep's coach's car after he benched him, caused quite the disorder from the team. A bad fight happened, Liam got kicked out. He's going to be a handful, especially now."

"Did Scott not know this?" Derek questioned.

"No, he didn't." I sighed. "And of course, it's Scott, so he just has to do things the hard way the first time around."

"You say that like you're any different." Derek teased, opening the door for me before handing my backpack to him.

"I don't things the hard way knowingly." I huffed.

"Exactly." Derek chuckled, kissing me before closing the door and getting in on his side. "The two of you definitely share those traits."

"Which is weird, considering that we're related via Rafael." I frowned.

"You know, he didn't seem too bad last weekend." Derek hummed. "Is he getting better?"

"I don't know, and I don't care." I stated, sending my boyfriend a warning look. "He abandoned my mom without second thought--Lewis welcomed both of us with love. As far as I'm concerned, Rafael is nothing but a sperm donor."


"Economic disparity exists in all forms. Well, take sports, for example. Some teams have better training facilities, some have better equipment...unlike Beacon Hills, that can barely afford the duct tape to keep our equipment together." Coach stopped in front of Stiles, taking a look at the photos that Stiles had spread out on his desk. "You know, Stilinski, if I could gade you on how profoundly you disturb me, you'd be an A-plus student."

"Thanks, Coach." Stiles smiled slightly.

"Put those pictures away." Coach instructed, Stiles nodding before grabbing the end of the Lacrosse stick and pulling the rubber end off. "Stilinski! The hell is wrong with you? Don't answer that." Subtly moving closer to the two boys, I waited to hear what had grabbed Stiles's attention.

"It's a lacrosse player." Stiles informed.

"The killer's on the team." Scott realized, which informed me of what our next move was more than likely going to be...checking out all of the team's gear.

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